"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

a bit more...

jane, thanks so much for sharing you knitting. Vicarious knitting will help get me through these weeks. :0) The meds they gave me are amazing. They put words on the ceiling in the sound proofing stuff. Very trippy! Thanks for the good wishes for the surgery. The terrible stuff is all over.. just PT to do now. *sigh* I'm putting up an ex-ray that DH scanned in to share with our DDs, a picture being worth a thousand words about being very careful not to go flying in a rock garden with cactus present. Xeroscape is getting a wee re-think here. ;o) There were about 50 rather large needles stuck in my feet and legs.

joanm, I'm feeling a lot braver today as the surgery was yesterday. Also, i just heard of a friend's friend who broke both wrists in one fell swoop. OUCHIES!

Karen, thanks for you words and that big hug! Also, you've reminded me of the New Year's resolutional readings. Must line up some books from the "biblioteca". Only four weeks until PT, and ten days til a real shower. har har. =o\ eww! boy, is that ever a great reason for cyber hugs!

Val, thanks for the hug and the tip abut crochet.. I will have to try to find that gadget on the web that is for one handed crochet. Saw it in a mag years ago. I bet it's on the web by now. hehe

Thanks Annie :o). Healing thoughts are much appreciated. It will be sometime before we get to monster stomp together unfortunatly. You get yet another chance to leave me in the dust. *grins*

Thanks Liz. It won't be long now before the spinnings get more attention, too. This sort of event makes a person reaaally want to lose no more time!

Trish, thank you so much for the thoughts and prayers, It was something unforgettable, too be sure. Looking at that little joint just after hitting it on the paver in the garden almost made me upchuck. My hope for all of you is that you never do something like that to one of your wing tips. That's just WAY too much sensory overload for crafting gals.

One handed typing really is the pits...was that said already?
It seems to be written on the celing here...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Trish. Cross my heart, I'm out of the garden for the time being. My sister thinks it's too hilly and unlevel, just what I want to utilize about it. I'm not going to try climbing into raised beds anymore. Promise.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..