"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

The final fix

It seems appropriate that this looks like a garden rake. tee hee. Everything is all back in the right place and the dust buster got all the crumbs out.


  1. Holy smokes! Did a thorough job of breaking that wrist, didn't you?

    Get well soon!

  2. lol Trish. Yes, it does look like that, too. He is a top surgeon for hands but I did ask him right before surgery IF he would take on a face lift while we were at this.

    Karen, it was very thorough. No half measures would do but luckily I'd moved a paver, a day earlier, out of where my head landed on Wednesday. Thanks for the get well soon. Already sick of this temp cast.

    Jane, today has been an ow day; I had to stop taking the "trippy" pain meds because of an allergic reaction. It was fun while it lasted, seeing all the sparkles out of the videos and ghosting at the edges of vision. Felt like Angels might have come in to watch over the doofus who created all this drama. Lol!

  3. I've been a bit behind checking blogs this week (in-laws were in town) or I would have commented earlier. How awful! I hope your wrist is better soon! I fell on Thursday on my wrist as well (how's that for strange), but luckily only mildly sprained the wrist. It's all better. Thinking about you and wishing you heal very quickly.

  4. Thanks Alison, but don't you be falling anymore. *shakes a finger at A*

    I've been thinking. Maybe we fall because we are always rushing around. Not me..not anymore. I'll be in the world but letting it pass me by much, much more.

  5. Dang girl -- I go on vacation for a few days and look what you go and do -- Ow is right.

    You know what I am going to say - be good to you -- check out books on the computer -- much easier than trying to hold and flip pages.

    ***soft hugs***


  6. rho, Thanks for the soft hugs. I'm so glad that you are back and hope you had a good time. What a good idea to check out the books available on line.

    It's starting to sink in finally about no knitting O_o watching a lot of videos and some PBS programs ..Texas Ranch House is one seruie that is ineresting.

  7. I don't believe it, I have been quite in blogland (busy in lifeland) and I finally get to catch up with my favourites and what do I find?????

    OUCH!!! Poor zippianna I do hope you are feeling better soon, and take care of yourself.

  8. Sharon, hey there. I looked at all the socks you've been knitting. Nice job in the sock factory. =o)

    As to this other thinga here, you never can tell what your blogger buddies will be posting. Hopefully I'm the only real fool you know likely to go sky diving out of a raised flower bed for one bearded iris bloom.

    The Euphoria of not having a fractured skull is finally wearing off here. hehe

  9. Miss Zippi,

    That looks like my old hair brush I lost! Seriously, I wish you a speedy recovery.

  10. By Gosh it does look like an old hairbrush, Sue. Lol!

    Thanks for the good wishes for a speedy recovery, too. The PT, I'm told, is when all heck breaks lose. We'll see how tough this old grannie is then.

    Have a safe journey, m'friend. (Couldn't bring myself to use the word "trip").


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..