"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Out the other window.

These pictures are from last year's big trip. I wanted to show Rho and Bv how I spent my time when I was attacked by our shared "Monster", Fibro Flare. That's my toe there. Vioxx in samples that I've been hording cut this bout with gout short. I sure miss that medicine. But isn't this a great view? DH nearly always gets me a great view out those windows. :o)  Posted by Picasa


  1. Well if you have to be flaring that is some beautiful scenery to be flaring in :D What is the vehicle you are in -- The windows look like school bus windows.

    I know what you mean about missing meds that help - mine was Darvocet - wouldn't make the pain go away but if I took it and lay down for an hour it would bring it down a few notches -- now try to get it - So instead I o'd on Advil, aspirin, Tylenol and Aleve trying to find something that helps - killing my liver in the process. Sucks....

    Hope you are feeling better from this flare - and that it isn't lasting from that trip a year ago ;)

    oh well, off to bed (I hope) spent most of this afternoon at MIL's with her trying to get me to take her home -- I would convince her she was home then 5 minutes later - "Lets go home" Knitting helps hold off dementia - I will be knitting my fingers off to prevent that from happening to me.... DH owes me a special dinner while we are away next week for today.

  2. Indeed, it was the best scenic flare I had. The RV is a Fleetwood Bounder we bought from a guy who used it to drive to the Habitat groups all over the country, and he drove their buses to and fro from the dorms. Something about it must have appealed to him. :D It MUST have been the windows! Anyway, it's the little Bounder they don't make anymore but perfect size for DH, me and Jazz. The spinning wheel fits right in front of the passenger seat when the seat is turned around.

    Oh Pain! Try that med that I told you about Rho. I didn't think anything could work after Vioxx was off market, but that stuff surprised the devil out of me. I get 3/4 the flare-out I get one. Well, I don't push it much anymore either. A little knitting, a little chocolate, and a nice cuppa with the feet up most of the day. hehe

    Indeed, DH does owe you a nice dinner for that visit with his Mom. It's too bad that she doesn't recognize her own home. Home is such a comfort to every person. My DH is down helping to care for his DM who has been sick. She's a tiny little gal, very lovable, but she would rather die sometimes than admit she is sick. Gotta love that woman's grit. I think me DDs got their grit from their grandmothers! She want's very much to be home, working in her sweet little garden, over anywhere else.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..