"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, May 4, 2006

Sitting in the Garden, and the start of a retrograde A to Z project

I've been sitting in the garden- standing really- in full defiance of the eviction notice it issued me last week. Trish, I'm being very, very careful.

DH went to the rockhound general meeting last night and brought home two lovely napped spear points made by our friend who has taken up that hobby. DH had to be coaxed out of the house by both our friends and my own assurances that I would not be stupid enough to do anything but sit and watch videos for two hours. What I actually did was watch talking heads for about half that time, planning a crazy quilt top from their lovely silk ties! I especially loved the yellow one worn by a professor who commented on the price of oil. I suppose that the red power tie this year is yellow? Anyone up on power ties this year?

I've been watching, with fascination bordering on horror, a PBS show called "The Texas Ranch House" I can't understand why there haven't been more lazy butts kicked back to the stage coach route. Is anyone else watching this show? I would have pistol whipped at least three of the cowboys by now, but that's just me... *smiles a school marm smile*

The first Letter is Z.. I am going to go backwards. I've still not got a tenth of my pictures back from the crash so maybe tomorrow. Z is for zenophobia. ooops! that doesn't start with a Z. *slaps forehead and hopes all the librarians are still asleep.*

Five more days and it's gone!


  1. oh dearie...:( the cast is larger than i thought. how are you feeling?

    your DH is so sweet. was he worried that you'd spin/knit? hehe...

  2. oh my Del, that's the small cast. The first one went up past my elbow. I felt a little cheated to not have one my friends could all decorate but at least this one comes off Monday..yippie!

    Dh is so worried about what has come to be called my "tanglefoot adventures", that he's thought about preparing a legal and binding document for me to sign whenever he has to leave me alone. ;o)

    I am feeling loads better, and thanks for asking. My to do list grows with leaps and bounds. I'm gettine EVERYTHING on the needles, asap, after this.

  3. Oooooh, I have been away too long...I'm so sorry to read of your injury but very glad to hear that you're on the mend and feeling better. Just think, all of those projects waiting for you will feel like visiting old and dear friends...Heal well and feel better each day.

  4. Thanks for the visit, and the good wishes, Ladyv. Welcome home, too. :o) I'm getting to read a lot more blogs, which is very enjoyable, and an online book. Oh, I like how you speak of the WIPs as old and dear friends. They will surely be that as knitting and spinning are real joys.

  5. Glad to hear the cast is coming off in two days :-))

    You be careful, you hear?

  6. Tommorow is my big day.

    Fie and away away wi' thee!

    Cast away day.

    trish, you are welcome to do xenophobia. lol...

    Oh Karen, careful I will be. I've started believing that I'm made of glass and not fiberglass either. It must be my age. =o)


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..