"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

People of a Certain Age

First of all, the cows came home. Moo was in a bag in the back of the jeep so I can stop cussing myself out for carelessness and start knitting again on the black and white therapy shawl.

The Surgeon signed my splint, wished me good luck and said I could come back in six weeks if there were any problems. The hand looks perfect to my eyes and works almost as well as it ever did. The modest surgeon insisted that he had done the easy part!

Jasper is changing. We see it every day. He is not able to bark normally now, or keep his feet under him, stumbling alot, but he is a happy little soul. He is eating like there is no tomorrow and is always hungry so we feed him three little meals and his dinner and sometimes a tiny bedtime snack. He's gaining weight. We also have built our lives around him which suits both him and us; what else is important but happiness and enjoyment at his age and ours for that matter? We are not in a great hurry now to do much of anything. Just take care of our little fellow and be sure he is comfortable. In my life I've had a lot of dogs, DH only three. This dog is the one we both will never forget. He is, in the words of a friend, like a little three year old boy.

This has made me see how much I am no longer concerned with doing things for the future but in living right now, in the everlasting present. We'll take our treks and learn some new things, and we will love whoever is around to love til the day we die. I hope to live closer to my girls at some point so that we can see them more. They are fun to be around. They are so full of life and possibilities and are always helping me learn new things. The Full circle has come in my life. My children as my teachers.

And, for those who might be wondering, this blog isn't IN a knitting blog ring because there is only so much knitting going on daily. Lots of other stuff is happening. Some of it involves heavy physical labor outside - well, monotonous physical labor outside. Also, fun stuff like going to the beach, lunching on sandwiches or fish and chip, with, hopefully, pie or cake to wash down with coke. Down by the channel, I'll be knitting socks and MOOscarf, and gabbing with my friends while we watch the boats sail up and down the channel to the bay or the harbor. Sometimes the 20 meter racing boats, either "Liberty" or "Stars and Stripes", sail by. Or we could see the Sea Bees in their inflatable monster cam-mo boats. Busy Bees. I hope they enjoy being what they are.

I think of Arjuna, when Krisna told him that it was his duty to be a warrior. I don't believe that the Mahabharata is for modern Americans, but who knows? Maybe we carry our fates down through the ages in cycles of vengeance? I find despicable the thought that it is an immutable law that gets and begets these dreadful fates for so many, a forced march, down the ages, to an inescapable Armageddon. This is why I can't sleep well. I never stop thinking about where all of this is taking the innocent and what will happen to them. The rest? Let them have their fate. They have worked so hard for it, after all.


  1. Thanks trish.

    He has been a love his whole life. He loves people and had a memory for them and even for the roads we took to their houses, or where we met at the beach or parks, that was astounding. But must of all he loved them. I'm glad we took him everywhere and he had a whole amazing world of sense experiences. And, that he didn't bark at the mule deer that one time. Gah!

  2. I am very convinced that most of a dog's personality comes from how he is raised, i.e. through what role he plays in his "pack". So if he has been a love his whole life, it's because you have been giving him lots of love his entire life.
    Give little Jazzy a hug for me :-)

  3. Wow, Zippi, sounds like Tucker and Jaz have a lot in common these days. Between them they'd make a whole dog! Tucker has front legs that work fine, Jaz can supply the back legs. I wish Tucker's back injury affected is ability to bark! No such luck though. His vocal cords are alive and well.

  4. Karen, I gave Jazzy a little extra squeeze for you. In the pack he wanted to be the alpha male, but he knows the alpha male loves him so J is content. Of course, he has the doggie equivalent of misplaced Oedipus complex. Silly wee fellow. He's so much like a three year old human boy. He still will place himself between us if he thinks he can get away with it. Like the time I fell on the front porch. DH had to put him inside the house.

    Terri, indeed, a half dog here and a half dog there.... ;o) I have seen dogs who pull themselves around with a wheeled thing, like a little chariot, in the back, and not just in the movies. All this could be the meds because it's intermittent. We are watching the timing of it. He got exercise yesterday at the bay and slept well in the evening. He loves to chase pidgeons so somtimes we let him. He also got into a nose to nose with another tiny, not very friendly silky. They were out at the ends of their leashes going at each other and there were gales of laughter all around the grass from the humans present.

  5. First, thanks for coming by my blog. I do appreciate it.
    Second. Dogs are best friends for life. Followed by horses. And then comes certain people. In my book.

  6. Hello Mr. Lincoln. Thanks for the visit, too.

    I couldn't agree with you more about dogs and horses being right up there with my human friends. They all have a quality of love that shines in the eyes and shows in devoted companionship and compassion, though differently expressed in each. Unconditional love is a rare and beautiful gift that we both give and receive. Lucky the human that feels it. Indeed I think that it is the way the world is supposed to be and could be still.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..