"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Hotel Rwanda, and next, this

This film is a documentary about a young man from Ghana who has overcome amazing obstacles to make a difference in his country and encourage his people. Yesterday we watched "Hotel Rwanda", which is a beautiful film about a terrible subject. It's about a hero as well.  Posted by Picasa


  1. I agree with Trish - thanks for the viewing tip!

  2. Sounds a very uplifting movie.

  3. Those do sound like good films. We went to see An Inconvenient Truth last night and would highly recommend it. Sounds like sitting in a nice, cool movie theater is just what you need!!

  4. Both films are inspirational films but one of them is a documentary shoot and the other is, I'll warn you, very frightening because it's very true to what happened.

    Annie, I just missed you tonight in our little world. I was playing in Tryker and didn't get a tell off to you fast enough. I'm going to watch An Inconvenient Truth when it comes out of DVD, because of Jasper. We really can't leave him for long periods. But the film is well worth seeing.

  5. I've seen the documentary and it is wonderful. He has a star in the heavens waiting for him.

    I missed Hotel Rowanda, but I certainly will get it. I wanted to see it, yet I know that it will get me yelling at the TV again.

  6. Hotel Rowanda was indeed a very good film. As Zippi said it was very scary and very graphic....not for sissies.

  7. You will like the documentary much better, Trish. It's about another radiant star. Meribeth, "Hotel Rwanda" will have you yelling at the TV. I mean, this, while the hot tears fall...

    Yes, I'd say that SOME humans are irredeemable. They are the ones who love money and power more than anything else. No matter how lowly they are when born, nor how little they can rise, they are totally dedicated and ruthless in achieving their goals. They use any venue to rise, religious, political or economic. Power!

    Belgium leaders,like many other colonial powers, set this firebomb's fuse and left it to smolder. I wonder how it is we will ever short circuit those sort of people's rise to power and wealth? Sheesh. I wrote a sermon! Sorry!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..