"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Just keep swimming... just keep swimming...

Today I was chatting with a guild member and she has a son who has these seizures. A son! She told me the stop breathing and turning blue thing was the hardest thing she had to stay calm through but you just have to do it. So, I'm re-evaluating my freaking out here.

Oh my Rho, I know how much you went though with your beloved Coco, so HUGS to you, too. And Karen, both of you, thanks I am going to knit, knit, knit and KNIT. If I have to order more sock yarn, what the heck, I'll do it. Some of it is pretty yummy looking. If I knit, I won't over react to things that are trivial or could be solved without yelling or throwing the dishes. I've also read about 10 web pages and found one called Guardian Angels that is part of the Dogs With Epilepsy pages. They are people who tell what they would have done if they had known better. It's been a struggle to get the proper treatment for many little animals but it's getting better. I'm calming down now.

Also, big step in mental health, I can now go out into my garden and water the plants under the shade patio, and repot them. DH has said it will be ok to do that if I am very careful. It's all pavers but they are a solid floor instead of stepping stones. He is going to plumb out a hose bib and put a short, light hose in the middle of the structure that will reach both ends of it. I see more of a future for my shade garden.

Tomorrow, Monday we get the new medicine for Jazzie. Also, I'm calling the vet and asking for something called a 6 panel Thyroid test, and a couple of other things, like liquid valium if it's necessary, and whether I should start him on melatonin. and Taurine. New research at UC Davis suggests that there is a connection with seizure severity and low taurine, something that only cats are supposed to have. Now they say differently. Thank God this little guy never wanted to eat dog food and we have always cooked for him. And he won't be getting Phenobarbitol, but Potassium Bromide that won't hurt his liver.

AR, thanks so much. This little fellow is such a sweet and brave little animal who if you say "baby" to him he starts looking around for a little human, and crying, he loves children so much.

Meribeth, thanks, Sista! I'm going to knit on to sanity!

Jazzie sure is a fighter and such a cheerful little dog he reminds me of Petey, the first dog we ever had after we were married. Pete was a multi-colored ball of fluff(five kinds of terrier) the happiest and friendliest little dog tht ever lived. I'm doing good so far with any tantrums, only two so far, because I want to get things done and I've got to rest the wrist so much!

I'm doing all my weight training and got some walking shoes to start the new me!

Thanks everyone for the good thoughts, vibes, prayers and hugs for us and the crossed fingers and toes.

Tonight we watched Last Holiday with Queen Latifa. LOVED IT! I've never seen her before. She is really cool. We have also watched The Diary of a Mad Black Woman That Madea!


  1. Information is power and it sounds like you are digging in and finding out all of the treatment options out there for little Jazzie. Good news for Jaz and for you. Tend your garden, slip on those walking shoes and pamper yourself with some new sock yarn... you'll feel calmer and more in control of things and Jaz will pick up on that as well and feel less stressed. stress + epilepsy = bad!!

  2. I agree with the information is power. So, Keep Your Head Up! I think you're doing fine, and any extra support you get from your blog readers is just icing. My dad had epilepsy, and I know seeing someone you love have a seizure is excruciating. I couldn't imagine if it was my child, but people do what they have to do. We cope, and survive!

  3. Knitting is wonderful for calming the soul. Walking is good for the body, but it is also good for venting those whisps of arrrgggh that are a PITA.

    What is it about animals that have pure Joy in living? That is what my Oscar is like...the world is his oyster and he celebrates every minute of it. Not a day goes by, that he doesn't give us a laugh and lighten our hearts. His candle burns so brightly. Guys like Jazzie and Oscar seem to give us courage don't they? And we fight tooth and nail for their health and comfort.

  4. Hi Annie, yes, information is power. I'm so thankful that vets and others in research fields have taken the time to create web pages. The heat is so oppressive that I haven't been posting much anywhere, and haven't been walking at all. Today I water the shade patio plants and intend to wet myself down thoroughly while doing it! Jaz has only had one seizure since last Saturday. Yeay!

    ar, thanks for your words and sharing your strength about coping with this disease in your family. So true that people do what they have to do to survive. My heart goes out to anyone who has this disease and to their family members. It's a struggle to have a life outside of it, that part I do know from watching others do that.

    Meribeth, it would be so nice to be of a species that was into the "Joy of Living". It's a lot better than what we've been into for 2 million years. I think knitting does take me to a different interior environment. I've always been a sort of "pick yourself up, dust yourself off sort of" person, but nothing like Jaz. He just keeps swimming.... :o) Hugs to Oscar!

    I'm hoping that there is knitting in the after life! All kinds of crafts. We could just make pretty things for each other all the time. Tres Cool!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..