"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, July 8, 2006

An update and a thank you

Jazz had a severe attack and will get a new medicine, Potassium something. We are picking it up from a people hospital dispensary that our vet has an agreement with. He has obviously lost some of his training, like word commands and behaviors we taught him so this is all upsetting. He doesn't settle down now and walks back and forth rather than resting in my lap or DH's. His front feet get set down slightly crooked, too, and snap around into place when he puts full weight on them. If he were a human child he would be falling.

Also, thank you for all the comments you made to my "X is for".. post. I am hoping, like Lanea, that schools are changing. When my daughters were going to school, the bad treatment was still alive and well, just extremely subtle. But, it was not permitted to live in any form at the magnet schools where a huge effort was made to teach diversity skills and respect.

I'm knitting on the socks and on MOO, and will continue with that for therapy. The last PT was yesterday and several of the therapists and assistants signed my splint. Also, DH has agreed to arrange the hoses so that I can water my shade patio plants myself. He will drape the hoses on the patio cross arms. The pinching of the spray head mechanism will help rebuild strength in my hand which is way down. 16 pp as opposed to 46 in the left. My right hand was the stronger one because it did all the heavy work. I'll get in back. :O) No fear!

I'll try to keep some pictures coming, especially of progress made in knitting. I've discovered the joy of short socks for walking shoes, so will be making some. Yesterday we bought some walking shoes for me and the nice socklets were cotton with double knit toes and heels and they were $8.50 with tax! =0\ I'll be making some socklets! I wash these out at night so one pair will suffice.


  1. hope the new meds do the trick - it is so hard to watch a loved one (2 legged or 4) go thru this I know -- hang in there and knit knit knit :D

  2. I hope everything works out for your little "baby". Keep lovin' him. Poor little sweetie.

  3. Big hugs to Jazz and to YOU! Crossing all toes and fingers that the new meds will do the trick.

    As rho said, knit knit knit - it's the best therapy for the soul :-)

  4. Hugs and skritches to Jazz! Poor guy, yet he is a feisty one...just like his Mom. And Hugs to you too! If you need to vent...vent! You have some good friends here.

    Congrats on getting released from PT! Big step! Now it is time to move on...one step at a time, slowly and methodically. BTW, it is fine to have tantrums, cry, curse, growl and get impatient. It is OK to "straighten out" anyone who feels that you are cured and back to normal. You may have to do this once in a while.

    Knit on, Sistah!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..