"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, August 5, 2006

Giving the sock needles a rest...

Now it's time for the green aran sweater and Moo to come out of their bags, and that burgundy French Market Bag.

The last two days I've been pulling the handle on my Lazy Boy to put up the leg rest, and now I've got a sore wrist, so I'll just take it easy on it. I've figured out a way to get in and out of the LB without putting the rest down, or falling on my face. I'm not sprightly anymore but can still figure out a thing or three about small obstacle courses.

Jasper yodels and howls now, and can sometimes bark. He has put on a pound and a half since starting Vitra-DMG in May and seems to be a happy little boy, though he is sometimes confused about commands but that can be his other medicine. We are now giving Vitra-DMG to the bird since he's been sick recently, too. This is it for pets. There will be no more pets, well, maybe gold fish. Nope! Not even fish.


  1. Does that mean Jazzy's attacks are getting better?

    Watch out for those LBs - they can be treacherous. My mom got "stuck" in one once, after having been operated (I flew to her to help her out after the operation). She got into the LB and I went grocery shopping, and when I returned she pleaded for help in getting out of said reclined LB as she had to go to the bathroom quite urgently but was unable to get out of there by herself. ;-)

  2. Oh Karen, yet another danger of the "comfy chair". I will remember that! Your poor mom.

  3. Ah Karen, it's tricky.

    The Vitra-DMG is helping his immune system so he is getting healthier in one respect, and the other med is supposed to cut down the seizures, but we haven't see that happening. They will adjust the dose in four days. Taking him in on the 9th. That's long enough I think. If nothing changes then there is another problem causing the changes. We will cross that bridge when we have to.

    Human Epileptics do better if they have their seizures suppressed asap. His have been severe for three months, once or twice a week. Not a good thing. The sweet thing about dogs, or even cats, is that they don't seem to worry once something is over, it's over. They don't fret and worry, like we do. Smart little creatures!

  4. I love your socks and postcards!

    My image of someone getting stuck in their comfy chair usually involves a turtle on its back...sorry, but it makes me giggle! As long as nothing "urgent" comes up, that is!

    Hugs to Jasper!

  5. You are nimble if you figured a way to get in and out of the chair without putting the foot rest down. Or maybe it is just that I am such a klutz I would break something - probably me. :D

    hope the increase in meds help with the seizures it's too bad you have to wait 4 more days to do it.

  6. Big hugs to Jasper, Little Sweetie! I know what you mean about no more pets. It's hard to love so much.
    I always used to run into the handle thing on the LB chair, until it somehow broke right off!

  7. Karen, they aren't getting better so now he has been put on phenobarbital. We went two days early to the vet because it got more than any of us could take. Your poor mom. Those Lazy Boys can be awfully tricky to get out of without going flat on one's face. I'd hate to get stuck in one like that. The motorized ones are worth it! I have one with a handle and wish it had a motor.

    Jane, thanks, and the reason I grabbed a spot on the round robin for postcards was that I saw the ones you were sending and receiving. It was just too much fun to pass up! And Jazzy sends you a squeaky little yodel and a high five, in his inebriated state.

    Rho, I get in and out of it easily because there is a skinny place in the covered foot rest. It has to be done ever so carefully as you know.... ;S We took J early to the vet since he had two seizures Monday night and one this morning. He will be taking a new med. I might try some myself! Just kidding.

    AR, I can't go through this again. It's just as you say, hard to love so much. And, it's a guaranteed short lifespan, too, unless you get a cockatoo or Galapagos Tortoise. Can't face it again. I broke the handle off DHs LB. Someone I glued it back on and he never knew. hehe..

    Lol Trish. :D They are grand chairs, so they are. I really love mine. When my wrist is 100% the LB will be great again! Get the one with the motor. heehee


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..