"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

The skinny on the little doggie

We just couldn't take it anymore, three Grand Mal seizures within 24 hours... we trotted off to the vet. She has now given him phenobarbital which is the next step up. He will be out of it for about two weeks but I'm hoping that he's not going to pee in my lap or anything. I'll have to buy some diapers to lay in my lap! On the whole this has got to be better for him than having those horrible seizure or indeed a series of them which could kill him. I was so upset today with his ears being all bedraggled that I cut them short. Only an unseen and kind hand kept me from cutting off the tips of his ears it was that close. I will never take a pair of scissors to his little ears again. I can't imagine what I was thinking. I'll try to get a picture tomorrow.

Ah the knitting! Aran Isle coming back out, a pair of shortie socks for a DD, and the market bag.

And I'll post some pictures, shameless of me I know, but something absolutely delicious from Fiber Den, whose kitchen staff make some of the most luscious colors of yarn I've ever seen. Tomorrow the rest of the post cards, to date, and the pictures of the yarn called Seawater. I love, LOVE the Sea! This lace weight silk is that perfect color that is in a wave on a decomposing sandstone based beach. Like the picture of an artist's beach in Big Sur. BTW, when you use the tab on the posting window for inserting a picture, it won't enlarge if you click on it. I won't be doing that again, either.

Artist's Beach


  1. Beautiful sea, can't wait to see the yarn...

    Love to you and the pup!

  2. What a great picture. I think you made the wise move in taking Jaz to the vet and getting his meds changed. Hopefully once he gets accustomed to it he won't be so lethargic. Give him a good skritch behind the ears from me!

  3. Hugs to Jazz, and all who love him! Gorgeous picture, I love water. The ocean, sea, lake, pool, whatever. I think I'm part mermaid!

  4. Thanks Jane, Annie and AR.. Jazz started his meds this AM and, though I thought he would sleep all day and night, this isn't happening. He's been playful, less clumsy even though his front right foot still has tremor, and wants to know what is going on in the kitchen anytime anyone's in there. The medicine makes him hungry, and this after a life time of fussy eating.

    Jane, I'm going to keep trying to get a good picture of the silk yarn. Meanwhile I will post a link to a picture, if it's still there, of the color at the seller's web page.

    AR, I'll bet you are! I think I'm a sealkin. ;-)

  5. Hi Trish, well.. one thing is that Big Sur is going to be there for a good long time. This particularily because it's on the upside of the subduction of the tectonic plates. heehee

    Yes, I love to tease with the Coastal pics. Come on over here!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..