"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Le Pun

Le back. At least I hope it's one. I'm not very focused on anything but the little doggie. He needs all my attention at the moment. Two Grande Mal seizure within 24 hours of each other and with meds. See the vet on the 10th. For the first time in his life I gave him a tiny taste of chocolate. I figure, "What the heck? Why not?"  Posted by Picasa


  1. Poor pup! A tiny bit of chocolate won't hurt. Hopefully it gives hime a little pleasure.

  2. Very clever. They make carob dog treats, the dogs love them and they are not bad for them. :-)

  3. Oh the poor baby - and poor mom and dad too -- it is so hard to see him go thru this.

  4. ....*soft hug*....

    ...there was one pug we helped babysit ~ 10 years ago - her fav treat was choc - bad yes, but we didn't know and neither did her person. we bought cadburys by the block.

    take good care...

  5. Very nice postcard!

    Sending a hug for Jazz and for you - keeping all fingers crossed that Jazz will stabilize soon.

  6. ar. He seems to crave it and ever since he was tiny he would beg for some chocolate. That dogs love something so poisonous for them is amazing to me.

    Rissa, thanks. We are going to get some carob chips and see if he will take that instead. I will rub them on the chocolate to fool him. hehe

    Rho, I'm living for the tenth. I want to take him in sooner but can't. Keeping perspective here. Someone just lost their adult son to a brain tumor at 36. Talk about pain....

    Del I never would have known chocolate was poison. As a kid, I used to share my chocobar with my other dogs but they were big ones like Collies and German Sheps.

    Thanks Karen, I had a lot of fun making them. I love anticipating getting them, too. The mail has a new meaning for me. I'll be putting socks (We've Got toes!) and received postcards up tomorrow.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..