"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

I changed a script... *gasp!*

I found that it was a little annoying to have several windows open after I navigated around my site, so I took out the script that was there which had made the change. I'm going to go look for a script that will pop up a new window if you click on a link, but not if you want to just enlarge a picture or see comments.

So, now, you will have to use the BACK BUTTON a lot, and I'm sorry! There seems to be no happy medium on this.

This week has been hot and hotter, icky sick making weather. BUT, I did work everyday on the market bag, and, (TADAAAA!) I just got an email that told me the three addi turbos I ordered at Camilla Valley Farmwere on their way! I'm excited. These circs are for my Gretchen Shawl

At last! I can now cast on two pair of shorty socks, and have Six WIPS like everyone else.

DH bought me a new camera whose strap doesn't have to go around my titanium plated wrist. It is a Canon semi-uber but not a Nikon Ultra-Uber which is too much camera for my brain anyway. That I will still sometimes salivate over the Nikon Ultra-uber is just sickening but I'll keep that to myself. This one goes around my neck and I will have the devil's own time dropping it, which is not true of the other supershots. I can drop them all in a heartbeat. I promise new piccies with it as soon as I figure out how NOT to take videos... that is why the sea study has a little Movie icon in the corner. I pressed something I shouldn't have an it ate up all the space on the little card. hehe


  1. I love it when I'm expecting something good. Yay, new needles!
    Good luck with the camera.

  2. You are sounding all very technical there, scary!!!

    I love the painting you posted previously, I love those colours.

  3. Thanks AR. The needles should get here today or tomorrow. I'm on pins and needles. hehe

    Sharon, I should really be able to "do" as well as I talk". A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. =0( Those colors.. all the sea colors, really are so soothing.

    Karen, actually I removed a script, but must have taken a few extra bits with it. hehe....talking about dotting your "i"s and crossing your "t"s. You really have to know what you are doing with this stuff. Minding "p"s and "q"s, so to speak. I've got the script saved and will rip it down and try to rebuild it. buahahaha! A little Mad cyberscience!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..