"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Well that didn't work very well.

I apologize to anyone who has this blog on a blog list. Blogger is having some problems. I am trying to get a photo up for the subtle sea colors for the shawl called "Gretchen". I found an old study from the early 70's. Aging in the garage and having something spilled down the edge of it makes it unhappy looking but it's sure got those colors.

I'm waiting (im)patiently for three new addi turbos to arrive from Canada. In the mean time I'm going to start the cast on and work out start working out the middle. Two green knitting projects at one time should be a little much but maybe I'll do some purple socks, too. And, the market bag is that dark wine color. Four is enough things to be knitting at one time, yes? With one lace, one Aran Isle, and socks, that's a full plate.


  1. Gah, you stored that in the garage and let it get stained? Nooooooo



  2. Beautiful picture. Is it fixable? The colors are really pretty. I have a lot of projects going on at the same time, too. Too many, actually!

  3. Laura, some lye dripped down on it when person who will remain nameless stored that above my stuff. Happily it's not one of the good ones. It was just a study.

    AR, my teacher really gave us a great pallete. And, it's probably not repairable because of the lye. I am not sure it's fixable because the paint base is not stable now. It was painted on masonite so that is why it's even still around. Lol.. =0)

    Oh projects. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to work on crafts and our arts 24/7? Well, cooking is an art, too. And there is an art to living, too. One of the wives of my DH's soccer buddies told me that one year. She really was good at the Art of Life. Very nice lady.

  4. Quite lovely - that painting!

    Yes, it would be great to just be able to work on whatever we want to 24/7 - paradise :-)

  5. You mean you painted it? MMMM, it's really great. Super good! I have some paintings that I did in high school, but I'm not so good, so they stay in hiding!

  6. Thanks Karen. I'm thinking I've still got all the stuff after all these years and it would be fun to oil paint again. It was going to be a career, too, but "Life is what happens while we are busy making plans."

    AR, yes, I did paint it. Thanks. I had a wonderful teacher who accidently ended up painting for adult education after a bad car crash in New Orleans ended his Chef career. He came to the states to study under some of the fine chefs in New Orleans in the mid 60s. After that he came to California fresh out of rehap, to "paint the lovely ocean". Part of his very long rehab was to oil paint and he descovered he had a real gift for it. He was originally from Paris. He was an amazing teacher. A Gem. His own paintings sell for thousands of dollars. I was a very lucky young woman to find such a mentor. The reason I didn't continue was that the twins decided that our family was the best place to be, and so they came to play. Raising all of my daughters was a real pleasure and a chance to pass on the love of art to them. They still have a lot of art and music in thier busy lives. Oh.. look at the time! I have to get up early.

  7. I am so behind in my blogs - partly because of the blog problems (all those little red !'s after everything)

    That painting is beautiful even with the stain...you must find some time in between all your life things and knitting etc to do some more of it.

  8. Hi Rho, I think DH would love it if I started oil painting again. We'll see... =0) Once I get rid of the ceramic stuff, which was a sort of painting substitute, I've still got my studio easel and a traveling one my friend down the street, who was an artist, gave me. He survived a terrible car crash but never go the use of his arm back. Gee, that's two I've known! Cars are dangerous!

    Sorry that blogger is misbehaving but little random things are happening to it. I got the notice of your post in my email THREE times! Blogger needs a good scrubbing! Let's get the buckets, the suds, and the brushes and go for it!

  9. What a lovely study! You definitely have talent. :-)

  10. Rissa, that is sweet of you to say. I'm enjoying your tutorials in embroidery so much, too. Color is the music for the eyes, yes?

  11. I really love those colours. I took heaps of seascapes on my last holiday, but they were all tropical (which I love to live with). I would love to have a garment in your colours though. You sound really busy with all those projects

  12. Hi JoanM, :)

    Ahhhhh.... tropical water colors are so beautiful that it's not hard to see why you love them. If the Buddhists are right, and we get to come back, I want to go to the Marquesas Islands, dance and sing nearly all day and look at that turquoise water of the reefs all the rest of the time.

  13. you did, lella?!

    this painting is beautiful!reminded me of a stretch of beach along one of the 17-miles drive stops near monterey(?)....it was so quiet(no manmade sounds) that time seem to have come to a complete standstill. there was an old lady with her retriever. they seem to be healing beautifully there.

    beautiful work! :)

  14. Yes, Del, and thanks for saying so. And you are right about it being along the Central California Coast. My teacher was really in love with the coast there. The coast is still very undeveloped. Hopefully it can stay that way for a good long time. It is so peaceful, and serene, a thing the heart needs in a world like this man made one.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..