"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

V is for Venus

With W, X, Y and Z out of the way this should get easier!

V is for Venus, riding along in her seashell, as painted by Boticelli who really knew how to paint red haired women.

I have a big picture of this in an art book, which shall remain nameless, since I snagged this nice picture off of a web site HERE

I wish that I could find more of these field trips because they would be very, very interesting, exciting and beautiful to take, though very, very short.

Venus and the God of War, old what'shisname, had a cute little love child. We are not sure to this day if Cupid is a devil or an angel!


  1. I still can't believe that I got to go to the Ufizzi and see her, and it's been almost two years. Thanks for the memory!

  2. ah Jane, it's so nice that you got to see Venus in her shell. You're welcome.

    When I was picking out the tile for the bathroom remodel, the contractor and I went to an Italian importer. They had a copy of "The Birth of Venus" which had been imprinted on and fired onto a sheet of 4x4 travertine tiles. I looked at it with great, big eyes but it was WAY over budget. Besides that, I'd have had to figure out what to do about a window. heehee


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..