"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, August 25, 2006

A Parisian, living in San Francisco, who drinks coffee black.

Rho finds the most interesting stuff out there in the BlogCity burbs of Cyberland so I'm stealing these two from her. Try them, they are fun.

My dream City is.....

You Belong in Paris

You enjoy all that life has to offer, and you can appreciate the fine tastes and sites of Paris.
You're the perfect person to wander the streets of Paris aimlessly, enjoying architecture and a crepe.

And, my drink:

You are a Black Coffee

At your best, you are: low maintenance, friendly, and adaptable

At your worst, you are: cheap and angsty

You drink coffee when: you can get your hands on it

Your caffeine addiction level: high

Lately I've been wearing my hands out trying to get the market bag done before the end of September. I'd like to carry things in it when I'm out and about. It's time to start some cute little short socks and finish some hooded, fleece coats, three, that need to be done by the end of September, too. Of course, the weather has climbed right up the thermometer and left us all panting. Perfect time to be working on fleece!


  1. I just knew you would be black coffee

    I hate to say it but we actually had a wonderfully cool grey today -- it was marvelous.... maybe you will get it soon....

  2. I really thought I'd be black coffee. I think I took it before, and I was, but tonight I'm frappacino, and I belong in London. I think I got a different result on that one before, too. And, just FIY we had a grey cool day today, too. So I stayed inside!

  3. Me too Rho, I mean I just had that feeling. I like the smell of Starbucks but I remember the time I got a Mocca Valencia at 2 pm and was awake for the next 36 hours.

    ar, frappacino, hmmm. I've forgotten what all those different ones are all about. London is nice. And there is that tunnel now so we don't have to fly to come visit each other. heehee

    We got a tiny bit of gray sky before 8 am. Then off to 90 degrees and probably only 50% humidity. I did manage to get shut of a lot of old jewelry and ceramic catalogs and magazines. Then I quit moooooving.

  4. Well, it looks like I belong in Barcelona, and I'm black coffee too. :)

  5. Hey there Terri, and Another black coffee! There must be something about getting that coffee down hot and fast in the mornings. I used to drink about 6 mugs a day when raising the daughters. Then I got GERD. hehe. ouch ouch ouch. :D

    Ahhhhh Barcelona! That is so YOU! Lot's of hot sun and bright colors and a beautiful city, too.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..