"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Little Birds, Little Dogs and Blabbity Blogging

Our little bird, Pepe, died a couple of days ago; it is a relief that he is out of pain and won't have to go through any more. He was sick, probably from inhaled interior smoke he got one day several months ago. He had only a small existence in the scheme of things but he was so sweet natured that you couldn't help but love him. He fell ill during the time of my surgery and recovery. He's buried under my favorite rose bush, and has a shell rock for a marking stone.

I"m going to start the Gretchen shawl during the next couple of weeks. First I want to finish the three fleece coats I've been struggling through getting ready to go. I've had to rest my back for hours at a time because dining room tables are notoriously bad as cutting tables. Awe, poor me! I've been able to read more favorite books, watch more movies, and get in a lot of holding Jazz in this time. Anyway, the coats will go quickly once they are all cut out. The sewing and serging is the easiest part.

I'll throw in a gratuitous sleeping dog piccie, since Jazz is doing lots of it lately. I think he's enjoying life now, more like a big dog. He's doing lots more sleeping and eating and a lot less being on RED ALERT. He is the littlest and lowliest pack member, so really feels the pressure of his position. The big dogs just yawn, lie down and go to sleep but little Jazz knows the wicked cats and birds could try to sneak into the house at any time. Now-a-days you can actually say, "cat" or "bird" around him without it being a clarion call to ACTION!! The words, "Mat", "sat", "hat" and "bat" are all treated with the same disinterest. Can you imagine chasing a two pound puppy up the side walk when he takes off after a Labrador retriever? Ah, the memories.


  1. So glad to hear that Jazz is doing better!

    Very sorry about the bird - but an end to suffering is positive.

    Keep up the happy knitting :-)

  2. Hi Karen, thanks. 1, Jazz is so used to his medicine now that it's hard to see any affect of it on him other than the intended one of no seizure whatsoever. 2, Pepe was and my last bird. If ever there's another rescue like him, I will find a kind woman or child who needs a little bird and pass it along. He would have had a happier life if he could have been out of his cage and on my shoulder every day.

    Trish Hi hi :) And, yes, isn't it amazing how sweet, tiny critters get into your heart so completely with their dear little ways. He was amazing.

    Oh, in the piccie of Jazz, he is next to DH's hand but he is still a pretty tiny dog, as well as being cuter than all get out. I was testing out my new camera while reading the manual in bed. DH was dozing and didn't even realize the flash went off. He really can't read through his eyelids though he does try!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..