"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

This didn't go the first time..... Picassa, you love and you hate it too. The very definition of a modern woman vs technology

Jazz, just where he wants to be, sleeping with the big dogs.  Posted by Picasa


  1. Sweet Jazzy. Sorry about Pepe. We had some birds for a while, but they loved my brother so much we let him keep them. It was weird, but when they'd see him, or we'd say his name they just flapped around and sang. So, we let him have them.

  2. Hi AR, what a cute story about your birds. Now, see? Those little critters are pretty darn smart in ways we can't even guess at. And, they know what they want.

    I love birds but am so allergic to them. I hope there are lots of them in some next life.

    Pepe's cage is going to Project Wildife after a very good scrub and lots of sunlight shining on it. He could talk very softly but he never told me what was wrong. He just said, "Good Morning Pepe", and "Good Night Pepe". Sometimes I think he said other things but the tiny ones speak very softly.

  3. Great pic - he is such a cutie :-)

  4. Hi Karen, thanks about the pic. That's the new camera, which knows more than I do. The next pictures I took with it, somehow the knob got twisted to the "M" (points to self), and I got a few lousy pics because when it's there the operator has to set the fstops and arps. Grrr. I will just let it do it's own recon from now on. Well, maybe I'll fiddle a little.

    Sharon, thanks. I'm getting his cage ready to go to a shelter. This will stop me trying to keep any other small pet bird that flies into my life. I'm still coughing up stuff from holding him against my chest to warm him.

    That last bit reminded me of the women who put fertile eggs in their cleavage to hatch them. I could probably still do that. heehee

  5. Sorry about Pepe...but Jazzy just looks too cute for words. What a sweet and soft little puffball. There is something so sweet about a tiny dog.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..