"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

I've been doing absolutely nothing of note

Except I have been trying to get a kitchen ready for a remodel without breaking any bones or pottery, or getting on the bad side of DH. I will have pictures of the postcards received so far in the exchange we've been doing.

Knitting ... I could scream because I'm too tired at night to knit and the rest of the day I'm dust farming!

Would you like some quilt pictures from the Santa Clara International? I can do that...

Oh, I did cut my hair shorter so that it will fit under my favorite little hat and not be a BEAR to wash when we travel. DH loves long hair, though he suprised me one day by cutting the twins beautiful long curly hair short when I was away for four hours. How I let him live I will never know.

Ok a few pictures a day of the Santa Clara show.. I have Billions! well, 70 some but only the very best will make the cut. Promise!


  1. Pics soon? Yay!

    You were gone for 4 hours, and he cut their hair! That's bad! That's one lucky man. Lucky you let him live! Geeze!

  2. Pics!! I love pics!

  3. ar and meribeth, there's some pics. There's still a LOT of quilts to show but I have to find that program.. if a pile of papers falls on me, I won't be able to post til I can crawl out from under it. O_o

    ar, yes, he knows he was on thin ice, but their beautiful hair grew back, and they have not ever cut it themselves again. All our daughters have those lovely, curly Irish tresses.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..