"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Battling with Rhinos (virus types), New Year's Resolutions and Mice and Men and....

Thanks to all your good wishes and Good Health Vibes sent my way, the Rhino virus and I have fought each other to a stand still. It didn't get me yet, even after I stupidly stuck my face into a beautiful and irrisistable oriental lily, breathed in deeply, and was sent reeling back with a gasp. The flashing migraine within the space of two minutes that lasted the rest of the day was my reward from Mother Nature. Wheee! How old am I? How smart am I? Don't answer that!

Last Year's Resolutions still look pretty good to me, since I didn't get to really carry them out, I'll give them another go. My fear of raised garden beds is now so well established that DH allows me out in the Garden again. Gimme that hoe and quickly before he can stop me!

I've only added one NEW resolution. I am going to join CODE PINK because I adore Diane Wilson, who is a co-founder of Code Pink, and it has a local chapter I can actually get my body down to to do things with the group from where I live. I've wanted to do this for three years. I put a join up in the "Things to Do for Others" Link List.

Oh yes, a Piccy of the center of Gretchen, who is giving me fits will be posted after dinner.

PS ... When I can figure out how to do it, there will be a "What I am Reading" place on the blog, like other more clever people have, and so that you can see what a Pinko I reaaaally am. What I am reading now is a book by Chalmers Johnson, of Blowback fame, which is entitled, The Sorrows of Empire. After that there's a book by Lucinda Shroeder that DH found that I can't wait to read.

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..