"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Happy New Year!

Yes, this is early but I'm coming down with something and can't be sure to be here on that day. I'm sure you noticed a crankiness of the last two posts. I've pulled out the dragon slayer, Annie, Nay and Kali, but this Rhino (virus) is probably unimpressed. It's seen all my defenses. Rez me?

Well, Tis the Season! I have not coughed on this post so you are all safe... from me anyway but beware the holiday shoppers and poor defenseless workers who are sounding like they are croaking and snuffling while they are in the queue, or handing you money from the till. The clerks can be forgiven because, after all, they caught it from customers!


  1. Get well soon!

    Nice fireworks banner :D

  2. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. The kitchen you want looks a lot like the one we put in - you have great taste hehe.

    Hope you are feeling better by New Year, and hope you have time to relax over the holiday season.

  3. Aww... I'll send a double heal your way, although Kali's will have a bit more oomph to it! I went to the doc yesterday with my darn back and I know I walked out with at least a million flu bugs hanging on me. eeck, so much coughing and hacking.

    I love the cabinets. The kitchen will look spectacular!

  4. Hope you feel better really soon!

    Happy and Healthy New Year to You!!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..