"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, December 22, 2006

The Six Weird things about me MEME.

My blogging buddy, AR , who has some darn cute things on her blog post this week, threw down the gauntlet a few days ago, and I am just now getting my act together!

I did another similar MEME that was only five so...Being from California I have more than the original five, of course, so here goes:

1. I believe in UFOs. Whatever they are, I think people have really seen something that hasn’t been explained. Other’s have faked them but some of the sightings are not explained by anything we’ve come up with yet.

2. I don’t like blue foods outside of whole blue berries, and blue flowers. Do not give me a blue frosted cupcake, please. Ick and double ick!

3. No matter how many times I watch a movie in which an actor takes a fall, I still have a big physical reaction to it. An electric shock goes through my body. I’m trying to desensitize myself to the policeman falling off his horse in the movie, "Trapped In Paradise" and it’s not working at all. I think I will just turn my head away when it’s about to happen.

4. I’ve never, in my life been afraid of dogs and hope it is always so. Rather big stray dogs at a beach have come to sit down beside me and snuggle up. But, I am starting to wonder about pit bulls, though none of them have ever personally attacked me. I have been afraid for other people dealing with them.

I think this is the weirdest thing that dogs and I have this affinity. I have no clue as to what is going on here. Perhaps it is that I love them so much? I love their eyes, and everything about them. I was raised with Doberman Pinchers in the house and they were all gentle dogs. Maybe I’m just calm around dogs.

5. I like to eat flowers. A salad made up of all edible flowers would be very exciting to me. I would have to eat it all. Yum! I would be checking for bugs, though.

6. I believe in invisible people. It’s an unshakeable belief. I just know they must be there though I’ve never seen one. Actually it would explain a lot of things in life if it were they who were doing them. They may just exist in another dimension that our eyes have no access to because our eyes weren’t made to see invisible beings emitted wave lengths. Please, I’m not a scientist .. And beliefs have no grounding in science so this won’t change no matter what I read. I will always just think that nothing we invent can ever reveal them.


  1. I love your list! I totally understand #3, I always cringe and make a weird noise, even though I know it's only a stunt man.

  2. ar, I completely understand the weird little noise and the cringing. I still can't watch the unexpurgated "Dances With Wolves" scene of the mule skinner. I've never seen but the first few seconds of it as I ran screaming from the room with my fingers in my ears. DH has to tell me when it's safe to come back.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..