"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Today and Tomorrow

My sister had a pretty bad day of it, suffering a lot of nausea, and we almost didn't get to go. But, she was determined to not let this stop her because she very much needs to keep her balance and her harmony, literally and figuratively.

We had a generally good time while out and about but she took a nap when we got back to my house. Keeping her spirits up and listening closely to her are what I need to do most now. She really has no one else she can vent to, save myself, and I have to remember to just listen and try to assimilate what she says with the view of getting a secure insight into just HOW I can help her. This is not easy with someone who is changing rather rapidly before my eyes, out of the confident and steady person I know and into someone who is going to need my very best and wisest counsel.

We didn't find a pin she liked ( no white metals where left that were pretty) but I found three little snowmen in a group and a lovely enamelled cream colored Poinsettia pin for myself. We will go earlier next year, like the day after HALLOWEEN!

Also, week by week, I'm planning cheermeups for her. When I came out of the powder room I found theposter for "The Devil Wears Prada". I told my sis that everyone said that they liked it very much, and the ad said it came out on DVD on December 12th. So, next week we are going to just take it easy, put up our feet, and watch Meryl Streep take off in her high heeled kickers on the little screen while we eat some popcorn and boo the devil.

In preparations for starting the new items tomorrow, I tore through all the yarn bags ( no easy task) and got all the sock yarn out and searched for the Lorna's Laces Icehouse skein. And, it was a pretty desperate search, let me tell you. Finally after remembering that some sock yarns were in the freezer, ( yes, I fear the moth from hell!) and some in a small square basket in the bedroom, it is now all accounted for. The yarn from Angelica's arrived today and the two skeins of Icehouse are snuggling together in their little bag, moth free.

I have also found the three lace weight skeins from The Fiber Denn, and several balls of yarn for lace weight shawls that my DDs bought me- they were in the freezer with some of the sockyarn. I have decided they will NEVER get all jumbled up like they were today. To this end, I WILL produce the Mother of All Yarn Charts, with the computer, and never go wild moving yarn gain without the proper permits and invoices. What else is a computer good for besides keeping track of "stashes"? Well bloggings pretty cool. You can bore yourself and all your friends with trivia, like now.

This is what comes of having a childhood where crayolas were introduced before the age of three. Color was the end all and be all of our young lives, and it didn't matter where the colors were, they caught the eye, embedded themselves and took over the gray cells. Color vision and hands with opposable thumbs are still the best and highest good. Legs and arms only serve the eyes and hands. I blame Mom.


  1. Never say never..especially in bold yellow print O.O hehe Glad to hear your outing with your sister ended well. All will be well since you are both wise enough to stay in the present with what you both need and want to give to each other. That is a wonderful gift.

  2. Sorry about your sister. I can't imagine how hard it must be having someone you love so much be so ill. Enjoy putting your feet up and watching the movie! I haven't seen that one, yet.

    I love color, too. I think that's one of the best things about yarn. There are so many great shades.

  3. Sorry she got sick, but glad y'all had the day together. :-) I love the last paragraph about color...very profound. :-)

  4. Parkinsons is a cruel disease, my niece's husband has had it for many years and needs constant care. Your sister is lucky you care so much
    I have joined you to the UFO web ring. Sorry for the delay, but I was away

  5. Hope you can find time for this, because you're tagged. Come read my blog tomorrow for the details. :)

  6. WM, Once it's in print, it is the LAW. You know? hehe. Yes, we are learning, my sister and I, that we stay in the present or we just have to admit to the inevitable, and who really knows for certain what the future inevitability is? From that path comes all the worry and angst. 'Tis a Bad Path!

    Thanks ar, I hope that you don't ever, either. En.JOY.ment is the key in life, at least I think we were supposed to try to enjoy our lives and make fun of the clinkers that occasionally come through the windows. Oh my yes, to the colors in yarn nowadays. Yarn colors and all the people spinning and dyeing marvelous yarns are what keep this old lady's world going round. Bless em! Also, I'm going to go peek at your page and look for the Tag. Yeay! Some Fun!

    Rissa, I am nothing if not profound. ;-) Hahahaha! And thanks. C has good and bad days, like many people. It's hell when something fun you want to do rolls against the bad day. But it passes, as you know.

    JoanM, welcome back, and thanks for linking me up! I have got some UFOs to add to the aran sweater. One was found while I rummaged for the sock yarns. Also, Parkinson's is, indeed, cruel, and I'm always sorry to hear that someone is afflicted with it, and such a young person and from a young age as your niece's hubby. The medicines make them sick and they haven't got much chance of getting past that part of it. But, things are moving along on all fronts so there is some hope. Where there is Love, there is Hope, to quote a comic strip from Saturday.

  7. What a tough time for your sister, and for you. You're lucky to have each other, and I know how hard it is to deal with someone who is changing from the person they used to be. The best you can do is be there for her and have a good sense of humor and keep on going.

    Hang in there.

  8. Hi Jessie, and thanks for stopping by and for your comforting words. C and I had a better visit today. DH got chinese take-out for all of us, and then sis and I watched "The Devil Wears Prada". It increased my total over all respect for Meryl Streep's acting abilities, which was pretty high anyway. Wowzer! The two supporting actresses did a great job and so did that amazing Stanley Tucci. I must read that book!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..