"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, December 16, 2006


My sister and I are going out to have a bite to eat, and then we are going shopping at Macy's for a Christmas pin. We used to do this, before she got sick, every Christmas for years. We have a lot of fun but since we both don't get tired at the same time, I usually find someplace to "park it" and just wait for her to finish all her tromping around the Mall. This is the perfect time for a little sock project.

We are very close sisters, and I made a promise to take care of her for the rest of my life if God let her live after she suffered an accidental poisoning when she was four years old. We are separated by almost 10 years and when I moved away from my hometown we missed each other terribly.

We have had so much fun together over the years. She has lived with DH and me twice, once as a teen and then again as a re-locating 25 year old. She's a lot like a 5th daughter to me. In fact one time one of my rockhound friends, who is a skilled palm reader, surprised me when she stated emphatically that I must had five daughters. I had never even mentioned my sister and our closeness, or the fact that I had a sister to this friend. But, nonetheless, she was sure, and told me this certain line on my hand, and she showed me, indicated positively that I had five daughters. Perhaps I had had a miscarriage. Then I told her about my sister, and how she was "my" baby doll and my vow to care for her, and how close we were. She smiled, that wise little women, and nodded her head.

As a lot of you know, C has Parkinson's and a very stressful life since she must work full time to help support her family with not a lot of frills in her life. She is nauseated almost every day because of the medicines she has to take to easy her symptoms do that do her. C is one of the most courageous women that I know. She tells me not to worry because she is really tough, that God made us all tough or we wouldn't have survived our Psycho Dad. Well, C is a lot tougher than I am. I couldn't do what she's been doing. It's very hard to stand by and watch her go though this, so that bring me back to how we make sure to keep our little Christmas rituals. No one could have a more loving, OR tough little sister. I firmly believe this to be true.

You might notice that I fiddled with the bars for Projects unfinished and finished. I've added a couple for new projects, and moved a couple into the out of my hair at last! finished . Today was the day to sort the yarn and get everything ready to start off the coming week with some happy knitting. Several months ago Pugnits sent me a generous cheery-me-up of her lovely hand dyed yarns that included some beautiful for sockyarns. I found it in with the aran sweater! This is and illustration of happy serendipity when you go after one thing you dread, and find great and wonderful!

The skein is so large that I'm thinking I'd like to start a shawl with it to wear with all the brown or blue dresses that I own. It's brown and blue together with while and so delicious looking. I'm going to pick a lacy knitting pattern from one of my stitch collection books, and put it up on the progress bars as the Earth&Sky shawl.

DH disconnected his sound card. He's waiting to see if the company will offer an upgraded driver that is compatible with the New release of Windows. We will see.

Annie and Steve, we are looking forward to seeing you! Yeay! I'm so ready to have a chinwag and hit the yarn shops with you Annie. Steve, there's lots of great stuff here, like the ship museums along Harbor Drive but I wouldn't call our ocean warm.. It's freezing!

Girls. The Christmas Fudge will by on it's way Tuesday at the latest. But we won't be on line as much. The elves are really getting busy around here and I have to be careful not to get an elbow in the eye sometimes in the kitchen.

I'm sending a lot of Love to all who read here. May your days be a sweet ones with as much knitting in it as you can stand (except for Steve). Forget the world for at least an hour a day. It will be there in your face the rest of the time but forget for one hour and you can hope to survive it.


  1. It's great that you and your sister are so close. God bless you both!! :)

  2. What a wonderful acknowledgement of your sister and your bond to each other. We are really looking forward to our trip out west and visit with your guys as well. It's fun to have an adventure planned for after Christmas!

  3. Lots of love back to you too - tis the season for quality family time. Enjoy the time you are spending with your sister - get hubby to leave the computer and continue his knitting!
    Sending lots of wonderful holiday wishes over your way :-)

  4. Thank you so much ar! Blessings back to you. And how is your Hoppalong Fellow coming along? I'll pop over to your blog first thing in the am and take a peek. :=) Hope he's doing well.

    Wabbitmom, we are going to have us some fun! It will be great to see you face to face. Yes, My sister is my bab'e. I'llpost my favorite picture of her if she didn't steal it from me. hehe

    Karen, thanks, and yes, tis the season for family and friends to treasure each other and try to share the seasonal joy, and the seasonal drinks. hehe. Though I cannot do that I used to be able to. haha! Annnnnd the computer is running with a couple of programs nobbled, and I think if I try to steal his new yarn and needles he will put up a fight, so I will suck him in that way again. I know how he thinks. He will try to take over anything I start, like the digging of roots in the side yard, or the washing of cars or windows, so he will try to take back the knitting. Thanks for your Best Wishes and I'm sending some to you as well, for your lively and lovely family parties over there on the "hillsides" of the Alps. Ah, one more thing, No party food for the fishies. Ok? Party hats, yes, party foods, no. ;o)


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..