"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Stash Building, Flying socks, and a new Bug.

I'm sorry to be so disorganized with my posts but the beta has me boggled. I like it, for the most part but it is so fast and efficient that my old way of doing things is not going to work anymore.

The sockette came from Roxie on ebay and is delicious looking. The Trekker came from Little Knits and I will try to figure out how to hot link that in. Wow! Beta stuck it right in! This is fabulously cool! Handsprings! They got my yarn out in record time even with a humongous storm howling though Seattle. Kudo's to Sue! Tomorrow some LL from Angelica's to match a lovely skein from Crey quite a few moons ago. It's the Icehouse color, in all the colors I love so much.

Socks! I tried to get the word Kitties on there but Sheesh, I'm not adept at duplicate stitch on knit in the round, bent and squirmy articles of clothing! The word "Kitties" looked far too much like "Kiddies" so I wasn't sure. I cut it back out and threw in the towel.

The lovely dragonfly was a gift from DD2 who makes me the loveliest creepy crawlers. Thank you B! She also makes Tarantulas, which need to to photo'd and blogged. Those protect the dashboard of the Jeeplie.

My knitting hubby is still fighting his computer troubles so the new needles and yarn are waiting patiently. He is itching to get his fingers into a novelty yarn scarf I tell ya, then move up the ladder to knitting his own slippers. I can't wait to pawn off this aran sweater on him. Shhh! heehee

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..