"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

It's Here! All the candy colored yarn I'll need

First meme socks
My first ever justforme socks are made with this regia color 
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This just arrived from The .The Knitting Garden and I'm so happy to have found a color I thought was gone forever. Now, I need to sit down and knit, knit, knit. Well, ya, I'm going to watch Jane Austin and Miss Marple tapes, too. What a life. *sigh* I'd like to have my knees, back and Gungo Ho energy back but knitting a lot and hand sewing are marvelous things, too.

What are Labels? I might go code tweaking, too. Code Tweaking is fun stuff.

DH is off spending the day with his little Mom. She is doing well and I hope this continues. What a blessing that she has all her children close by and they all help her to cope. She's on the mend after a fall. She is half Italian and half Irish, so cute, tiny and chipper that you just have to love her but she is also very determined and is such a "Mensch". I hope that's right. (It is) I'm not sure about my Yiddish words but there is a site for them here. What fun they are, but don't get them wrong! Oh no no no!


  1. Love that regia! :-) Everyone should have something she makes just for herself.

  2. Rissa, it's color 5025 and very pretty. Also, I agree about things for oneself. Socks especially. ;o)


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..