"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Lookie! Geology!

I have no idea what is going to happen here... Blogger is not acting in a normal screwy fashion. It's misbehaving in a completely new way.....

OK. The smaller, unexpanded picture is blurry, but not the expanded one that happens when you click on it. The strata shows very clearly. One of the signs at the Springs said that they get several earthquakes daily. All of California is that way but mostly we feel only things about 3. Don't worry, that won't even knock a ball of yarn off your lap. But, The Big One, the 8+ that they have been promising us, will.

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  1. I'm sure an earthquake would scare the heck right outta me, but your pics are great, and that view seems worth it. :)

  2. These pics turned out great. I sure hope ours come out as well. That's on tomorrow's to do list.

  3. ar, Quakes never were scary for me, and I grew up in the L.A. basin. Now that I have kids on the edge of the Pacific Plate, I do worry a lot about them. I'm sure my mother, a WORLD class worrier if there ever was one, did worry a lot, too. Polio was her greatest fear though. She never relaxed all summer and fall. I think the thermometer was glued to her hand. Happily, none of us kids grew up hypochondriacs.

    Annie, I sent out some photos to you. I hope that the program is as good at sending as it is in ease of use. We'll see! ;O)

  4. PS. Thanks about the piccies. Taking snaps is a real joy in life here. I will go kiss my camera now. Just a light little peck. Must keep it dry.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..