"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, January 22, 2007

My friend Annie came to Cal

A brought me some beautiful Debbie Bliss Yarns, a pattern called "Fetching" from Knitty.com (we both exclaimed how much we love Knitty.com) that she herself is making, and a gorgeous pottery bowl at Raven Pottery, which is old and rather famous, too.

A and her DH came to our city to look around and see the sea, the mountains and the scenery. I just can't describe what a delight it was to have them here, go sight seeing to the Ocean at Torrey Pines, Cabrillo Lighthouse, La Jolla all lit up and tony looking, and to take a Jeep trip out to Borrego Springs, through Julian, our local colorful Apple picking region, to the desert floor. As we went through the part of our forests that were devastated by the Cedar Fire, we tried to describe to them the beauty of that once upon a time prime forestland, It was the first time I'd even been back through it after having to be evacuated from the fire. I'm so grateful to all the fire fighters who saved as much as they did save of our city and the cities around as well as the fairly famous mountain town of Julian. It's an old gold mining town turned into apple orchards and many wonderful things.

Hundreds of fire fighters made a stand in historic Julian and stopped the fire from coming into it. One of them, from a company in Novato was killed in the defense, and his Captain seriously burned, though he did survive. I have the deepest respect and admiration, and yes, outridght love for, fire fighters. From the earliest time that I can remember they have been my heroes.
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  1. We had the best time, thanks to our gracious hosts and tour guides!! Coming back home to ice and cold made even the chilly California weather seem warm. Thanks for the great adventure!!!


  2. It was such a pleasure to see you two and to show you as much of the county as possible. To highlight the capricious California weather, the day you flew out it was getting warm again. I hope that the ice and cold is not too bad in the east. Stay warm, Annie!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..