"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

What am I up too?

I'm a pretty sorry poster lately but I've got an excuse. My eyes are wigging out on me, I'm trying to get several things done in the sewing room and in my knitting, and to look after my sweet, aging and sick little doggie as well as my sweet, aging and sprightly DH.

I need to have an eye exam and probably new glasses because my knitting and reading is making my eyes blurry and sore. Or, maybe it's the lilies blooming? Anyway, there's three things you just can't live without! What would life be like without flowers, knitting or reading?

The problem is that I was without any health insurance for two and a half months at the end of last year and the beginning 2007 because of a bureaucratic screw up after a merger. That meant that I couldn't go see my Optometrist, PCG, or anyone I wanted to see at our clinic. We are still trying to get our primary care physician changed back to the correct one. DH was on the phone for hours for nearly 3 solid weeks to get this far, going through voice response systems over and over again until I thought he would go mad. If we were rich people we would have told them to .. well, he would have told them to... well, you know, what to do with themselves. hehe

I'm trying to avoid, ignore, pass over, let lie, and otherwise stay away from the daily news flogging at the electronic news stands of our nation, i.e., the online newspapers. Also, I'm really trying to to read less at bulletin boards, unless it's about knitting or sewing. I love to read everyone else's posts and all. But, it takes an amazing amount of time to read them let alone compose a post to a topic. There you sit, obsessing over every word so that you don't ignite a flame war. There are people out there carrying around lit sticks of dynamite, I tell ya!

I'm concentrating on reading my blog list, which consists of not only the ones I've linked to, but dozens of others, too. I'm hoping to take a daily swing through both of the KR and UFO Lists because there are some fabulous knitters out there who are a great inspiration, and some really funny people who give a daily dose of hilarity to a life. Oh Lordy, do we need to have a daily dose of hilarity!

Gretchen is back on the needles after a good old fashioned frogging. She will now behave. And, thanks to you, Pugknits, for the link to figure eight cast on, there is now no ridge. When I'm out at least 20 rows I will post a piccy.

I've run my hand over the stitches on Aran Isle, and since it didn't bite me, I'll try to not threaten it with the frog pond or the sharp thin blades of the dressmaker's shears. I'm really going to try to straighten out the pattern and knit this thing this year.


  1. I hope you get the medical mess all sorted out. That's something important. Why don't the bureaucrats get that?

    p.s. Thanks for the comments at my blog. SP isn't even mad at me anymore. :)

    Can't wait to see the pics of your knitting.

  2. Isn't health insurance fun? Try being self-employed!

    There are probably European readers of your blog who cannot even fathom what we go through in this very wealthy, developed country for health care. Ridiculous.

  3. Oh this is all so terrible, I was thinking what Jessie mentioned in the above comment. Here in Australia you don't need private health insurance to access health facilities. Sure at times waiting lists occur but not with optometrists. Yes a wealthy country such as yours this situation should not happen!!!

    I am sending you my warmest wishes that this all gets sorted for you very quickly :)

  4. ar, no they don't get it, not all of them, not enough of them. The present Existentialists in Office- Cheney's words - have a 40 Year War to fight for the glory of Freedom. *cough* Eh, What???? And we thought only Europe had wars that lasted that long. Hello!

    Jessie, no one else gets why we are in the fix we are in. I mean they may do, but what can they say that might not get them cut off in some way next year at the World Bank, IMF, or something similar.

    Sharon, yes, terrible. With health costs so high, if I fell again and broke something, it would cost over 20K to fix it, and that's reason we waited, and DH worked so hard to get our insurances, what we are supposed to be receiving, back on line. The US has the worst healthcare system of all the advanced countries.

  5. ar I'm so glad the SP has accepted his boot. You made it awesome!

    Speaking of broken bones, my DMIL fell and got hurt, so my knitting is behind schedule. My little MIL is in good spirits but she sure is tired of all this falling stuff, bless her heart.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..