"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, January 15, 2007

New Developments

Thanks to DH the insurance is now all straightened out. I can now see my own Optometrist again, without incurring a huge bill. My eyes are getting better with rest and using the computer a lot less. That is good and bad. It's bad because I LOVE my computer and online games, but good because I can get more done in other areas. The good part is that I get more knitting, sewing done. Ah well yes, ugh... vacuuming, cleaning, dusting is getting slightly more attention, too, which is good because all of that had been getting neglected because of my sore old back and wrist. On a happy note, tile floors make it easier to vacuum the dust bunnies out of the corners, and out from under the bed, but Tile sure does show dirt. The floors need mopping. Visitors must avert their eyes.

Jessie, hi, and obtaining health care has to be horrid for self employed people. So costly! I feel for you in that. I look at two of my kids and see what they are going through if they get hurt or sick. Luckily they live in a small city that really cares about low income people, and it has a plan in place to help them with health care. Sharon, hi there. The US should have spent it's money on it's people, and not what it's been doing for decades. I won't go into my feelings on that, though. Actually, I could have gone to my Optometrist but would have had to pay half a month's salary for care plus glasses. We are retired now and it's nice but the $$ are limited. I'm following the regimen that he recommended for "mature" eyes now, with hot moist compacts in the morning, eye drops, and resting the eyes more. Too much close work, and computers are supposed to be especially bad because we blink less when we are using them, for one thing.


I frogged the second glove. The ribbing came out wrong with two knit stitches together. I have no idea why my eyes couldn't pick THAT up. Anyway, I start anew. Yesterday, before the frogging, I took it with me to the nursing home. While I was sitting in the lobby in the sun, knitting, a friendly woman came by and stopped to tell me, " It's so nice to see someone knitting socks again." So, I told her that I did knit socks but that these were fingerless gloves and showed her the finished one. She complimented my knitting, and so I ask her if she also was a knitter. She told me that she was a knitting teacher for many years, and that she was really pleased that knitting had taking off again. I said that I was pleased, too and that a great side effect was that we now had so many wonderful new yarns because of the market for them. We talked about our kids and about how some of them were now taking up knitting. This was a very sweet encounter so I say that taking your knitting and KIP is an amazing, friendly, and energizing thing to do.

Right now I'm working, working, working to finish the last of the post cards for the winter exchange. I'm painting them all. I'm not going to be doing anymore for quite awhile. I will expend all my energy nagging DH about the kitchen. We were going to go down today to look at Home Depot to see what they had in the way of replacement doors but it can wait. My DMIL took a spill and the kitchen can just hang fire. With decisions made about all the changes, the wall in particular, it feels like it is really going to happen, now, though. Nice feeling!


  1. Glad you got the insurance thing worked out. :-)

  2. Glad the insurance thing is worked out. Hope your MIL will be ok, too.
    SP has been enjoying poking fun at me for scaring the doctor into putting another real cast on.

  3. Good morning Lella!

    I know what you mean about insurance as well. We are fortunate right now to have a fairly decent plan. It will come in handy when I have to visit the optometrist in March, because I'm certain I will need a new prescription.

    Don't you find that housework gets in the way of knitting...smile?? Most days I find myself taking time out from knitting to do a little housework.

  4. I am so glad that all is sorted. It kind of makes me glad that I live here where there could be improvements to our health system for sure but I don't think we are too bad off at all.

  5. Thanks Rissa and AR. It's a different world now, and a lot less scary because accidents happen so often in it. AR, I'm sure SP would thank you if he really wasn't in that "indestructible teenage" phase. hehe We remember the time, yes? I was a crazy risk taker myself. I liked to drive fast cars, wishing every moment that they had wings.

    Sharon, I'll take your system over ours. We have this freeboarding capitalism going in the UBER echelons, an Everyman-below-us for himself sort of psuedo-Existentialism, according to our VP. I'm starting to wonder what it's going to be like here in a few more years. I'm learning to keep more quiet about my fears but I'm worried about this place for any human scale need like healthcare for those making less than 40 grand.

    Good Morning, Maggie. Oh yes, I worry a lot about my eyes, having had a detaching retina a few years back puts me in overdrive when they start to dry out like they've been doing. Oh Ugh, yes, housework is the worst thing for knitting. Spinning up the dust bunnies might be fun but man are they ever full of snarls and short staple.

    Wow, I need to go take a downer. hehe.. My nerves are edgy. OOoo a pretty pink one? Or are those Yellow, the good ones I mean. Just joking! It's hard to be serious once you give up on your governmentals.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..