"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

I love flowers but I love people more.

I have gotten very slow and thoughtful about many things, especially the impact my spending has on world troubles. Every little bit can help or hurt. I don't like what has happened all over the world and particularily in the United States in the crushing of labor unions. I now know too much about the whys and wherefores. Straight answers at LAST! So, my money goes where my heart is. If death squads still wander the streets of Guatamala looking to kill union organizers because they are standing up to their politicians who sign away jobs for sweet deals with foreign companies, then I am going to hunt down all such tainted products and black ball the companies.

Spending power is the only power I have. I buy fair traded goods or nothing. It's very important in my plan to be a better friend to the suffering. No one needs to screw people in wages or working conditions to make a profit in selling flowers, for instance, particularily roses full of pesticides. That's what's happening in Central and South America. Dole is one of the companies. They just got my last dollar. Not so much as a small can of pineapple will pass my doorstep. Hawaii was enough and here they are, at it again. No more!

If as is said, that "the inequity will be so great that the love of many will grow cold", then it's time to face up to how I affect the growing inequity and the loss of hope and the comfort of love in those who suffer it. To me, it's that simple. I will just spend my dollars where it doesn't hurt a woman in Ecuador or Bolivia who packages flowers and sometimes doesn't get paid for months. Down goes the gauntlet Mr. Dole! And anyone else who wants my pennies. Just do it right! You sell nothing at all that I can't live without.

PS. I had to correct my worst errors in grammar and spelling. This should be a lesson in trying to post so late at night!


  1. Well said. Very well.
    Too bad everyone doesn't think (and act) like you do!

  2. Hi Karen :o) Nice to see you again. And thanks for your comment.

    As more people find out about what is going on, the more things will change. There's a lot of good hearts out there wishing to make big changes but feeling powerless. In the long run it's the small changes we make, in our millions, and which are in most every one's power to do. Those sorts of change will stop all varieties of brutality around the globe.

    If I see it, I will blog it. Elites want to brand everything that blocks their way to power and money as socialistic or Communistic but it's just not so. It's people who care about others. This humane feeling has no ideology, only a sense of oneness. It can work.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..