"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

New Aran Sweater Pattern

This is from the Drop Design Site

I have enough yarn(in yardage) of the Knitpiks Alpaca Silk. I have to frog the little bit of the back of the sweater that I had done, and start this one. It's an "in the round sweater", and something I've never done before. The sock knitting should help. You can see the whole sweater here

He likes it better than the other one, too, which is a bonus. I'm so glad to be away from the other pattern.

I'm starting a pair of trekkerXXL in the red color way a piccie of which is somewhat over half way to the bottom of this page in December.

With Gretchen on the needles, and the Aran and the little boot socks, I'll have enough knitting. My sister is getting sicker, her sweet little cat had to be euthanized this morning after a long illness, and my DMIL is still trying to get enough back on her feet to be able to go home. Oh, the card reader died. There's another reader than I can use but it involves jumping through two flaming hoops and climbing a mountain in the snow to reach my Guru. Well, so as you can see, there will only be sporadic pictures for a bit.


  1. That sweater is absolutely beautiful - I hope you have a better time with it than with the first one.
    What do you mean by "an in the round" sweater? No front and back perhaps - knitted on circulars?

  2. I love the Aran pattern. I have to say (just a word of warning, which you probably don't need) that I found the Drops pattern I did quite hard to follow because it didn't give stitch counts before or after any of the sections. By that, I mean it would tell you to decrease every other round until the piece measured a certain amount. But it didn't say how many stitches you should end up with. A person like me needs that!)Such a pretty sweater deserves to be knitted, though!

    Take care in your personal life. You have a lot on your plate.

  3. What a great pic of your DH!! He shaved his beard :P

    I'm sorry to hear that things are not good with your sister and that your MIL is still not better. I hope time will turn things around a bit. I'm sending good thoughts your way.

  4. That sweater is going to be incredible -

    Boy you have a lot on your plate right now - try to take some time for you each day - it helps to cope with everything going on if you have some "me" time even if it is just knitting and listening to music you love for a half hour or so.

  5. In the round are the best words ever. The sweater will look great.

    Sorry about your sister. Sending hugs to you!

  6. Karen it's really a beautiful pattern, and I hope that it will be easier to deal with. And yes, you knit to the beginning of the arm scye, front and back, then do something or other and then the shoulders are saddle shoulders, you knit and sew on and pick up for the neck ribbing, if I got that right.

    Jessie, thanks for the tip on what to watch for in the Drops Patterns. I have printed out the dictionary of terms, and I will give Drops a shout if I get stuck on something. It would make me nervous to not know what the final count was supposed to be so I could check my knitting against it. sheesh!

    I'm going to stop worrying so much about things that are out of my control.. I've started it already and just say my prayers and send good thoughts while trying to stay calm enough to be helpful.

    Lol wabbitmom, he looks so much better without it, too! hahaha..

    Thanks for your words, too. and the good thoughts. I'm more worried because it seems to be accelerating, both the MIL's probs and my sister's. Worry never added one inch to my height, I remember Some BIP saying.

    Rho, I've taken your advice and set aside time to walk 20 mins a day, go pull weeds with my sturdy hiking boots on, and eat a lot of chocolate.. non nonnono not that last. Actaully I am starting to spin on the wheel. I turned it so that it faces the TV and I can run tapes or DVDs. Jazzie doesn't like my spinning because he can't sit in my lap. I must start listening to music. It used to be very important in my life. And play the Uke... that is cheery. :)

    ar thanks for the hugs. *HUGS* back.. How's the boy child getting along without the BUC?

    Gosh it's late.. I'd better go read some so that I can sleep.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..