"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Short Note

Thanks Rho, Maggie, ar and joanm for your comments. Knitting as much as possible really, really is helping, and so is hand embroidery and, oddly, mending clothing. Also, reading the KR helps a LOT, too.

I've started to trust that life goes on, even in countries that have been pummelled beyond belief by aggression, and that people really do care about each other, and the world around them, and will forgive and forget after the pain is gone and normalcy returns.

Out there in the world are some of the kindest beings on earth who will help out when the chips are down, and they never stop addressing and working out problems.

When I broke my wrist last April the garden got neglected. Well, I've been going out there and being very, very careful, have started to take it back from the tree sprouts. They are all over the side yard from the Elm tree removal and disturbance of the ground.

The kitchen, which should have been finished 20 years ago, is on hold and that was such a huge thing to me. I'm trying to get it back into perspective. It still works half ways decently even if it's ripped apart, and DH does all the KP. I can affectively ignore it.

The worst thing is what is going on internationally, and what the part of the US has been since the turn of the 20th century. We've been sleepwalking through our Democracy. I'm so ashamed of the results.

So, I'll go back to knitting, and quilting, and trying to see where I fit in and what I can do. I'll start more gloves, two lace shawls, Birch and Gretchen, and just knit.

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..