"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Camel and Doggie Fuzz


Rissa sent me some camel down and I was struck how much it resembled Jazz's downy coat. Thank you so much Rissa for sending the Camel down so I could test it out. I am not allergic to it, thank Heaven, so now I don't have to swear off Noro.

This is a trimming I did of Jazz's ear hair when he was very sick. I was afraid we were going to lose him. It's a little dirty because a dog's ears always swing into their food and water bowls! When I wash it and card it, I think it will match the camel down perfectly.

Pictures to come of the projects as soon as they are downloaded to a stick drive. DH is very kind to do that for me. So far the projects are moving along slowly but nicely. The socks are going to be so awesome that I will have to order some more of the red for myself. Too beautiful, unless it starts pooling somewhere on the foot. hehe. Gretchen is going to be gorgeous and a joy, I can tell already, and the Aran gauge patch came out perfectly. As soon as I can locate Local size 4 circs in length of 35 inches plus, I'll put the stitches on them and take off on the Drops pattern.

The only problem with my knitting is that I can't figure out how to knit a farrow rib in the round. So, it is being knit flat. I'll figure out the decreases as I go.

I'm trying a new thing on comments in that I will email answers as Jane showed me how. It will work as long as I remember to gather them all up and do it! I've been a slacker in that department. That will save commenters a trek back here to see if I've answered. General interests I will put in the blog.

Political things I'll probably feel like picking up my hammer and tongs and going after the issue with great vigor, but just won't. I don't do too much political "knitting" now. I can't let my heart be a gladiator anymore. I wickedly wish too many people bad futures, and that with a racing heart and fully fluffed feathers.


  1. I really am glad that camel was the culprit. :-)

  2. I can't let my heart be a gladiator anymore. I wickedly wish too many people bad futures.

    Yes, you can try to step back, because you know -- Karma has a way of taking care of things!

  3. enjoying your musings and thoughts :)...

  4. Rissa, it's weeds and flowers that are causing this problem, and the camels and other quads are completely innocent, as you have proven! Yippie!

    Jane, yes, I believe that is true. I've decided that now is the time to go back into my little cosy hobbit hole in the ground, eat roots and berries, read amusing mystery novels, spin nice lumpy yarns, and knit. hehe

    pugknits, I hope my little musings continue to bring joy and amusement. Lord knows I love to think, but lately it's been hurting the frontal lobs. Probably time for a virtual lobotomy. Ouch!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..