"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, March 26, 2007

"I can't communicate!"

With an apology to the poet, Sylvia Plath.

Karen, I can't leave a comment but I'm reading, with interest, your new blog.

Someday, but not anytime soon, I just might switch. Right now, this is all my brain can handle. Mostly, I like blogger, except when Picasa, that little cranky witchness, burps one of my well thought out and paintakenly written photo journal goodies into the infernal fog of Cyberspace.

I can't find the newest set of needles bought for the aran sweater and spent all day looking for them. The last memory I have is of measureing them for length, thinking that I would then stretch them over something to let the coil relax, and from there the trail got iced over. DH looked in the Jeep, I've torn through all the yarn that might have tried to hide them from me, and the dust bunnies under the bed have been disturbed. *sigh* I will find these needles some day in the distant future, no doubt, hung with cobwebs, exactly where I stretched them out to uncoil. Meanwhile, I'm casting on the 230 odd stitches onto the shorter needles. Hope they all fit! As solace, tomorrow I've been told I should order IK subscription by DH. Such a kind soul.


  1. Best of luck on the needle location. I just gave up and bought new 16" size 4 circulars and new 10" 7s because I can't find the ones I know I have--and I'm about to order a second copy of Sensational Knitted Socks for the same reason.


  2. Oh boy, Sarah-Hope, that sounds all too familiar. And thanks for the good luck wishes. I've still not found those needles. I hope you found your book. And even the other needles... can't hurt to have some extras.

    I need to do a spring cleaning and just get rid of the old ceramic stuff and have a new place for all my books and get some decent needle storage facility. Threw two boxes of greenware out yesterday. On a roll!

  3. sorry about that comment thing; I have changed the settings back so you should be able to comment. I had to lock them for a while as I was getting spammed badly.
    Sending a smile your way ---> :-)

  4. Aww thanks Karen, and I sure to understand about comments spam. Hopefully you will find a way to shut them down.

    Thanks for the smile and here's one back :O)


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..