"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

I'm allergic to Camel Hair?

The Knitting News

I found that I'm probably allergic to the camel hair in the Noro. I'm just hoping, since I now have two more skeins coming, I'm not, and I'm hoping that my DDs aren't, either! Of all things! I've never been allergic to furry things in my life! Anyway I am knitting it up come hey or highwater, just doing it a little at a time. My eyes drip and my nose stuffs up and that puts pressure on my ears which makes me wobble around like a top that's ready to fall over. Lol! What next I ask you?? So, I'm just going to work on it until it's finished and then do Gretchen and the Aran. I'll pack away that Noro.

I'm going to take Jane's suggestion to keep going on the ABC's, and I'll be beginning again with "W is for....". Being that I'm only half here a lot of the time, I missed doing "W". It was going to be about Wisdom, but there's no way, with this leaking brain, I can do it justice. I'm very cross lately. Being cross reminded me of this part of a child's skipping rope rhyme:

"Cross Patch
Draw the Latch
Sit by the fire
And spin..."

DH is very busy now so I just am getting out in the garden and pulling weeds so that we can start -- or I can rather, as he hasn't go the time-- the side yard raised bed before all the good soil get's washed out into the street. He just doesn't have the time or energy for too much anymore and he's doing enough as it is. So that, and the strange reaction to Noro, will slow down my knitting. Spring is the time to do the weeding!

Sky Watching!

A Sky Watcher Photo of the storm that just left. Well, it didn't just leave. It cleared out several days ago and probably froze or flooded half of Kansas by now.


  1. Oh poor u! I'm luckily not allergic to any fur, but my friend is allergic to rabbit fur adn I feel so sorry for her!
    Sorry, I was just browsing blogs adn your came up. Hope you don't mind me commenting!
    Jess xxx

  2. no worries Jessie, I love comments. So, thank you for stopping by. :)

    Sorry about your friend's allergy, too. I love rabbits and had quite a few. The angora's were really nice bunnies.

    I'm allergic to birds but it didn't stop me bringing one home from the beach one afternoon. Pepe.. He was a dollybirdie. We loved him to bits.

  3. I hope you really are not allergic. Sometimes it is the manufacturing process...because there should be very little dander in the camel once it is in your noro! Want me to send you some camel fleece so you can test? LOL


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..