"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Picture for the Noro hat..

Picasa ate the first picture but not the post, so here they are together for the first time.

Sarah-Hope, I love this pattern! It's very pretty, and the little cables give it just a little bit more oomph. I just had to order more yarn to make another one after the two planned. And, it took awhile to figure out exactly what I was dealing with in Noro. Was it a worsted weight or was it a bulky? It's somewhere in between.

After DH looked for new needles for me at half the Michael's and JoAnne's on his route home from helping his Mom with her PT and visiting with her, he finally found the correct length of circ needle (a 16 incher)at TwoSister's & Ewe, my LYS.

Soooo, finally I got off the DPNs and frogged back what was on them because I had twisted the stitches. Grrrrr! Noro was a bit of heavy going for my hands on DPNs, since I'd hurt one of them.. the GOOD one... pulling weeds two days ago. I am knitting very slowly but I'm knitting!

[img]http://www.mdnpd.com/pd/images/yarndog.gif[/img] That's a little Schnauzer, rolling a ball of yarn, if Blogger doesn't show you. I have a bad feeling it won't.

I have some other pictures to post for the sky. As soon as possible, flicker will get the sky pictures and maybe I am just bright enough to figure out how to link them all in a side bar album that I have envied at other blogspots.

Just finished Amy Tan's book, and I hope that what she is writing about in it is the actual truth. I'd love to get another chance to love all my loved ones, and to heal relationships with others. Seems kinder than boiling in oil for eternity. I think God is Love, so it all fits.

That's enough of that religous stuff!

I'm looking for another piece for Accidental Art. I know exactly what it is, just don't know where I stored it. It's lovely but comes from several years ago on a trip we took to Parkville, California- the Earthquake Capital of the United States.

So, My dear friends and family, look for beauty everywhere, because it is sure is there, and it's just waiting for your stereoscopic, color vision- a gift like no other- to discover and delight in it.

Take care!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..