"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, April 5, 2007


First a really good and interesting new ISP service Right here
Wasn't that fun? DH had a great laugh!

I haven't been knitting because I had to rest my hands for three days, due to P3TOGitis, an apparently old disease that is easy to get when knitting lace. I've started back knitting moo hat and the red treks. Soon, I will start the ribbing on the Aran sweater but still have not found the needles so must buy another set! GRRRR

I wish take this time to wish a Happy Easter to all who celebrate it.

The weather has been hot and a little overcast in the mornings kept it from drying everything back to dry sticks in the garden. The fatal flower that got me into trouble last April is about to bloom, the yellow bearded Iris. I am so happy that other colors may start blooming, too. There should be pale blues, and some more yellows. Deep dark purples are blooming already as are the ultra tall lavender and tans. I'll get their piccies when they are at their best.

My DSIL has given me a fairly tall stack of fabrics to play with, and I'll try to lay that all out for piccies before I tuck it away in a container. I've been toying with the idea of taking pictures of ALL the fabrics in each rubbermaid, so that I can remember what the hay I have! I'll just number the rubbermaids and this time not use stripable labels that keep falling to the floor! Maybe I should hot glue the labels on?

Oh, DMIL has returned to her own little house and her own little garden. She is very, very happy. May this last a long, long time. She has a sweet little house and a very cute garden. I'm so happy for her.


  1. Internet down the tubes. LOL

    Happy Easter to you and yours!

  2. I hope the hand rest is having the desired effect and that you'll be back to knitting soon.

    Best wishes,


  3. Thank you AR and Sharon. It was a very enjoyable time for me. For a short time I got to knit on the boot sock while my SIL knit on her felting purse project. AR, I thought that Google April fool avery good one, too. heehee

    Sarah-Hope, thank you. =0) I am knitting but not as long and frantically. Learned my lesson! Well, maybe. hehe


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..