Of course Sailboats do have the right of way since they are under sail. That means they can't moooooove as fast as speed boats or humongous Naval Vessels. But no one insists on right'o' way with a three hundred ton ship bearing down.
Chris, thanks for the link to the lighthouse adventure that you linked. I'm going to post it here, as well as to try my hand at making a button for the side bar. I really want to keep track of that one in the Fun Stuff.
Lat night I was up til 2 am tweaking code, trying to make a hack for peek-a-boo comments work with the new blogger. The other page had it and I think it's really cool. No, I haven't been knitting. It's awful when summer hits and all I want to do is escape to the seashore.
AR, I will get the other pictures of the Peace Park soon. There are two parts to it, one at each end of the Shelter Island Promenade. I like the West end best. It's much the prettier of the two.
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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..