Today was a Bay sort of day. We go down to the bay to watch the channel arrivals, and eat lunch with friends, and gab. I found that while gabbing it's best not to knit on most things. In my backwards thinking I bring things too hard to knit while talking. I bring braggish things to show off, so I end up not knitting at all. No KIP! The tiny Lightning class "bugs" were out with their "Mother Ship" and succeeded in not getting run over by the Navy vessel, picture to come, nor did they run into each other or capsize. Practice is making perfect!
The 11th Birthday doggie got a new pheasant toy, and a two layer chicken thigh cake. After gobbling up the whole cake, he played with his new toy. He loved it so much that, for the first time ever, he picked a toy up and carted it off so quickly that I didn't get a snap. That cuteness happened yesterday. Today a sniff was all he managed to give us for piccie time. DH says we have a camera shy dog. He gave me a look that suggested that it was my fault. Moi?
After struggling for weeks to replace the progress bars on the blog, I found a tutorial herethat almost did the trick. DH solved some problems I had understanding the info herefrom Brown Berry, who has an awesome knitting blog, and left a comment at knitticisms blog about how the bars were placed on the new blogger. Yes, darlin, I did read the code and it was good. Thank you Brown Berry! Thank you DH, who found my evil code blasting typos, and with great patience, lead the team to victory over HTML.
PT is for my sorry excuse for a spine. It's curling up a bit and needs to be tweaked to performance levels it hasn't known since 1995. My spine has taken over my life and needs to learn to obey the masters called "brain" and "motor skills" again. No spine should ever rule in the human psyche. It is a very poor master that only wants to rest 24/7. Don't listen to it. It will ruin your life. The PT said the dread words "spinal stenosis", and then gave it shock treatments. It's behaving somewhat better today.
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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..