"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, July 16, 2007

I'm hungry, shall we share a bagel on the sly?

Food, I want food.

Of course now that I'm on a diet from hell, no legumes, no fat, no sugar, no chocolate, and no wheat or gluten- no rye no barley, etc etc - I am going around the blogisphere looking at foodie sites. Try some Desert Candy or the lovely site called 101 Cookbooks or Tartelette, they are all beautiful food styling. I'm collecting a whole pageful of cooking sites to put together.

Check them out, I dare ya! They are gorgeous! You can bet I am going to be looking at these for awhile. Along with the other knitting/ foodies Faves.

The bike.... I fell already. First ride (Sunday) was going fine but I fell trying to dismount at the end. Two bruised thumbs and a scraped knee, but I'm going right back at it when this heals. No Bike can tell me where to get off! I took out the little dog's fence on the way down and that sort of saved my hash. DH says he thinks the bike's too big; I say the seat's too high. I've ridden a bike since I was 5, and a big girl's bike at that. We didn't have little bikes when I was a kid.

I had ridden my new bike just fine around the parking lot at the store, and then the day we picked it up, the fellow put it up on a fancy stand and raised the seat and handle bars while I sat up on it. I'm no idiot but I'm sure not assertive enough. I should have told him it was too high right then and there. But it's a man's sport, you know. All that testosterone gets in the air and poisons it, in a bike shop. They sort of think that everyone is headed to the Tour d' France. Well, I will get the seat back down out of the stratosphere and be able to do the Grannie dismount, like all respectable grannies, and that's that. Ye, I am slightly PO'd.

Knitting... I have got the toe to go on the sock, and the sweater is up to the increase for the patterned rows. Gretchen hasn't been touched. I feel really bad about that. The little green mate for the green glove is lingering at three rows. And the next round of post cards is up to bat. Some how I really wish it was about food this time.

Eating. Ooops, forgive me... already talked about that.

Such beautiful biking weather, not too hot and some cloud cover in the morning. DH is disappointed as Heck but what can be done? He had his heart in his mouth when he saw me fall. He said, "I think we dodged a bullet today when you weren't hurt badly." I can only say "Amen".

Jane has shown me how to "hot wire" the side buttons. Yay! Thank you Jane!


  1. Testosterone, what is it about that stuff? When it is released it causes a drop in IQ for the male of the species and it renders the female speachless. Now then, according to my extensive emperical observation, the mute reactionby the females is not because of weakness, stupidity or natural inclination toward compliance. Mute is their natural reaction to the incredible and sudden onslaught of incompetance, mental blindness and miniscule tunnel vision demonstrated, while doing so with the attitude of all knowing, by the stronger gender. Thank you for attending my lecture. Are there any questions?

    When you said you fell, my heart jumped! Don't do that!

  2. Glad you got your bike adjusted right and you are back on the road!

  3. Meribeth, I do have a question. All men are afflicted with testosterone, they can't help that, but why are some of them so blinded by it? There are so many very nice guys out there. About falling, I really was worried on the way down; I knew there was nothing I could do but wait to see what happened. Not falling directly on the cement but on the collapsing fence cushioned me body.

    Vicki, thanks so much. I'm hoping to ride three days a week. Also, I linked your beautiful blog. The Sunset picture and your newest quilt are fabulous.

  4. Very good question! The key word is not "blinded" but "addicted." Some men have grown beyond the pubescent years..when testosterone gives the first buzz. And what a buzz it is! Some adapt (evolve, if you will) and use the hormone sparingly and with prudence. Then there are the others who become addicted to the hit or the perpetual feeling of pump/amped/hyper. Let's face it, it is more fun to act like a barnyard rooster, than to act like the wise old barn owl.
    Have you ever gone to a gym and worked out? You see it a lot there... Note: I haven't gone into the estrogen side of the species, they have their own issues.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..