Those things just don't go together at all. But we must live through these little stresses. We are waiting for the blood test that tells us if I carry an antibody for Celiac. Fun fun. =0)
Gretchen was enrolled in a KAL, to try to get me to knit more on it. Carrie's blog , The Barefoot Cobbler, is where everyone is postings pictures of their personal Nemesis, and their progress. She created the nice new sidebar button, unlinked of course because I haven't had the time to figure out how to link buttons, essentially pictures, in the sidebar of New Blogger.
I'll just insert a lot of *%(*#)%*^&!+ here to describe the way the day's been going. Out of synchronicity and getting everyone sort of thinking I'm a $#^ or just crazy. One of those days. Ever had one?
I've been KIPping and one comment from a gentle and sweet little grandmother type was a soft "Que Bonita!" when she passed me to leave the lab at the clinic. She liked the colors on the Trekking XXL sock. It's almost finished now. Thank theSTARS ABOVE!
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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..