George Cadman did an interview of two people who were arrested at an act of civil disobedience at the Army Recruitment Center in Santa Cruz on June 26 of this year. The link to the talk is HERE She also interviewed CodePink member Sherry Conable, who helped to organize the protest.
Meribeth, I live in a very red city in a blue state, so I feel like an outcast in this city. I have exactly one friend to whom I can speak frankly about all my concerns for the soldiers AND the constitution. Most people here think its a fine thing to send others into this illegal war, just so it's not their grandchild. I don't know of any of their grandchildren who are even in uniform. Nice safe and comfortable way to support the war, is it not?
Thanks for your long comment. I've been feeling very down lately about not being able to do much for my country or my people. And you've helped me think that I've helped in some small way. I want to go march! It's past time to care about what THEY can do to ME! They are doing awful things to persons, both here and abroad, that just have to be stopped!
Knitting content:
I'm still knitting DH's sock, which will be finished this AM, and today is also a Gretchen sort of day. The bike is waiting for my knee to be just a tad better. I watered my rooted ones yesterday and will work a little out there this afternoon, after finishing a sock toe.
Thanks again Meribeth for cheering me up! I can understand how you feel about living in the "Land of the Living Dead". Lordy, what else could they be???
Land of the Living Dead. Perfection! I will be using that! Funny, LLD has been listed in the 60s on the Top Areas to Live in list. sheesh
ReplyDeleteThere are a few Blues around, but if you talk to them about "issues" they look at you as if you are a total lunatic. Or they give you the stink eye because you're not being "nice." I feel as if we are in Victorian England where denial is the only way and certain subject are off topic.
I too want to raise the roof and protest...just really get out there, yet I have mixed feelings. First, I am PO'd that our generation have fought so damn hard for Civil Rights, Equal Rights, Gay Rights (and AIDS), Viet Nam, etc. Innocent people were murdered, beaten, arrested in an attempt to change what was wrong. Now? It is as if all of that has been taken for granted...the laws, the changes mean nothing now. Yes, I am angry at our admin. but what I really want to do is to slap some sense into the younger generations. They have the is THEIR is THEIR investment. I am tired of the battle. (Guess I am getting old.) It is their turn to put their brains, energy and to draw a straight line to 5 or 10 years from now.
The Ages of Entitlement has been a narcotic. This is why I hope there is the draft. Seems that it is the only way to make people crawl out of their bubbles.
So, what is the answer...
Ordered two books: Wing and a Prayer and Creation. The first is by the woman bishop of the Episcopal Church, a PhD in Biology, believer in evolution, raised Catholic changed to Epis., supports gay rights, avid piolot. Creation is a book written by a prof. in Biology at Harvard. It is like a discussion with the religious right about the need for All, religious and secular, can work together to save our planet. Maybe they will help me deal with the Bubbles in the Land of the Living Dead.
The younger generations can see the big mistakes you all have made and want America like it used to be before your generation messed it all up. Please quit sucking up the social security and do all of us under 50 a favor and just go away permanently.Remember we will be deciding how youn are all treated in the nursing homes and we are not happy with you. You should not kid yourselves, we do not think yopu did any good at all.
ReplyDeleteI was going to say that we can't leave this all to the young people in the nation, but then anonymous, you said what you did....
ReplyDeleteAmerica like it used to be? I wonder what it used to be like? One war after the other, all undeclared? A country so full of racial prejuce and hatred that children died in a church bombing? History books full of glory that turned out to be partial lies? We got tired of living a lie, so we actually tried to do something about it. It was for our children's sake that we moved against racial prejuce, injustice, and a warmongering machine.
We so don't want the young people in our country to go through another Viet Nam, but here we go, wheeee!
And, if we don't stop them, the Administration is going to drag us even deeper into the quagmire of the present doom, by not having the guts to renouncing Saudi Arabia for not doing what it should do, Which is to stop the flow of arms and bodies into Iraq from Saudia Arabia. We'll go after Iran, a HUGE country in the Middle East that happens to be Shi-ite. Really good thinking. Don't you want to help stop this freight train to hell? I do! And I'm going to do it as best I can. This mess was made, as you say, over a long period of time. But to stop it will take generational cohesion, not divergence. Come on the Peace Train!
Yes Zippi! I do believe in the Peace Train and I am on it. Sometimes I wonder why we (as a speices) are hell bent to behave like the lemmings. If Grace Lee Boggs can stay on at 91 years old, and continue to have hope, then who am I to get off?
ReplyDeleteAnnon., I can understand what you are saying! Why? Because at one point, before I really experienced what sacrifice, poverty and general livng was really like...I felt the sameway as you.
And as far as the things we fought for messing up for the future generations...well, there were a lot of improvements that are taken for granted.
Birth Control, Domestic Abuse laws, rape is a real crime, lynchings no longer ignored, the right to vote with no strings attached (!), censoring of written/spoken material relaxed, grants/loans for college, minorities (Latino, Asian, African-American, etc) were able to live and work where they chose, segregation elliminated. I could go on. So, I get to look forward to a nursing home with someone who feels my time on earth should be over because you thing we are sucking up the SS. Please, before you blame us for that. Find out how much the Govt is taking from that SS for their interests. They take the interest. They also take out "loans" which do not have to be paid back. Now who is the big financial and unethical drain?
And Zippi, I hope I have not offended you. I love your blog..and I love the concept of Freedom!
The way it used to be? When women could be teachers, nurses or waitresses, but only until they got pregnant? When there was no divorce and no birth control? When people of color were pushed to the back or off to the side? When men had to support everyone in their families, and never, ever show any emotion?
ReplyDeleteWhen children were the property of their fathers, and required to work from dawn to dusk, especially if allowed to attend school? When fathers decided what jobs their children could take - as adults?
I blame TV and the movies for painting an artificially rose-colored picture of "the old days" -- because they weren't very rosy for most of us.
But you won't be under 50 forever, Anonymous. Age creeps up on you, and with any luck at all, a little wisdom to go with.
Meribeth, you said it so well! I'm not offended in the least. I'm glad you are on the Peace Train and hope that more people will hop on it, too.
ReplyDeleteWow, J, while you were posting your comment, I was posting mine. Yes, the good old days of patriarchal society, iron fist variety! UGHness!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment. I blame movies and TV, too. I had to retrain myself to even be a HALF ways decent parent, my Dad was such a controlling A**.