"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Red TrekXXL boot sock, Little Red Dog

Jazzie thought it was playtime. He loves to chase toes.
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  1. I saw that sock and thought - that's MY sock! lolol
    Don't you just love that colorway? I adore Trekking XXL, too!

  2. Hi knitnana. Lol! So, you are knitting this one, too? Yay!

    Yes, I love this colorway, bought more of it in fact, and love TrekkingXXL. Thanks for your comment. :)

  3. Jazzie and the sock are both a treat for the eyes :-)

  4. nice socks and cute jazzie :-)

  5. Hi Sarah-Hope, thanks for commenting, and, also, a big WB. :)

    Vanessa, thanks for your comment on the sock and the LRD. I just realized the DH's foot is as big as the doggie!

    Jazzie sends his love to you both. :o)

  6. Jazz really is too cute for words. :-)

  7. Thanks for your comment, Rissa. He's our tiny bad boy, though he's hardly ever bad anymore. He's a tiger at the front door, though. His last bad habit.

    BTW, speaking of dogs, I'm glad to see the fence is fixed and the Great Dane next door stays in his own yard. I'll bet your doxies have a lot to say to HIM through it! heehee

  8. such a pretty play bow, almost tempted to pick him up :)

    mmmm, cozy warm feet, fuzzy feelings...:))

  9. Hi Del :) Little kids think Jazz is a stuffed animal at first. And they want to pick him up. I let them if they sit down on the grass; then they can "hold" him. He loves little children, and he will whine and cry and pull on his leash to get to closer to them at a playground near where we go to the Bay. As he gets older, I let fewer of them actually hold him.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..