"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Sorry, that bloglines feed isn't set up correctly

Update, I ripped it out. If I could figure it out, so that it would make it all easier for those that use bloglines, I would have done it. Sorry, no can do at present time. Lot on this old mind.

Original Post:

I tried to get a little fancy here and of course there's more to it. I'm working on getting a feed set up to Blog Lines.

Me only Bro is here for a week, so we are a little busy. Also, I have a bike now, a Trek. It's a hybrid and it's small, and it fits me! Yay! I even like the color. I shall call it Raven, for the huge raven in my dream the other night. Ravens are very auspicious birds. I always love to see them and they are a very rare sight.

Several years ago I gave away the beloved Motobecane I'd ridden for 30 years or so. Believe me, it was an emotional moment.

I'm sorry about no knitting content but the trekkerXXL boot sock is getting done after a rip down. I had a loop of yarn half way to the toe. I know exactly how it happened, too. Not enough light while trying to knit in bed with a head lamp. Duh!

PT is going well, and solving the problems. It won't do everything but what it does do, it does really well. My therapist thinks I should ride a stationary bike, but that I should at least stay off the roads that have cars on them. I'll try not to worry everyone by riding on roads with cars. There are a lot of Rails to Trails places to ride around here.

The bike shop owner's mother is 72, still riding, and has the same bike I will ride. So, I think I can do this, too. I've ridden big bicycles since I was five years old, rode to school and just everywhere since I was 7 years old. I never wanted to give it up! It's in my blood I think. My mother's sister taught my cousin D and me how to ride a regular bike.

My Aunt Jane is 7 years older than we are. She was a lot of fun for a couple of 5 year old nieces to pal around with all summer on my Grandparents' farm. She's one of our fun Aunties, we have two, who made us a covered wagon out of her big delivery wagon one year. She also dressed four of us up as pioneers.

She was in a Girl Scout troop that year. too, and one night they were going to let us stay, in the barn, for a sleep over with them. I was able to stay only til the story telling time, which was after Grandpa played his guitar and we all sang songs. The first story was so scary that I started screaming, and that was it for my sleep over! My cousin got to stay and boy did I pout!

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..