"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Geode, though not quite Amethyst

It's just a pretty, pastel lavendar. We did cut this one. The grapefruit one has still not been found. Maybe it rolled away one fine day, looking for it's missing piece? It's matrix? It's buddies? Maybe it made it as far as the Tijuana River and floated out to sea?
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  1. Amythest, Schmamythist. It is lovely! Soft colors..cuddly and relaxing. Honestly, I would stare at that for hours on end. I wonder if our distant ancestors stared at geodes..in wonder, thinking it was a gift from one of their Gods.

    Yes! There are days when the sticks should not be in hand. Did I ever tell you about the time a bulls eye heal truly and literally exploded off my needles? When my dh wanted to.....oh, never mind. Put down the needles and seek peace.

  2. Hi zippiknits! Thanks for visiting my blog, I'll add you to my link list as well! I love all of your fun links on the right side, as well as those gorgeous flowers on your banner!

    I love the geode, but I'm a dorky geologist so I love all kinds of rocks :-)

  3. No you never told me Meribeth. And it's better to quit knitting and keep peace in the family, even if it costs a sock heel. LOL

    Geodes have fascinated us forever, I'm willing to bet, like uncut diamonds must have. Some of those actually glow in the hand at sunrise and sunset. Native Americans used to grind the "bones of giant stone animals" to use as part of their medicine rites. It's in *History of the Southern Cheyenne*, a two volume set that is no longer in the SD library system. Stolen. I totally wish that people who steal books from the library would have their fingers fall off. Sheesh.

  4. vegan-noodle, hi there! Somehow when I was posting, I missed your post! *hangs head*

    A Geologist, yay! I am a wannabe geologist 'cause I didn't finish my degree.

    I'm glad you like the rocks, and over time there will be lots of them, believe me.

    Thanks for adding my blog to your list, too. That was very kind of you. My DDs read all the vegan links so you have some vegan lurkers, too. :O)


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..