"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Lovely new tote patterns

Since I can no longer wing (Wheeee!) things, anxiety? Fear of Wasting Fabric? Anyway, I don't do winging anymore and so made a deal with DH over my *cough* extensive pattern collection. One old out for any new one in. These were so worth it that I spit in my hand and we shook on it. I want to make five of the knitting, project bags, one each for my daughters, and one for MEMEME.. The vogue is so beautiful in that channel quilted golden fabric that I'll make that one as well. The McCalls toile look bag, I'm going to put a tabbed zipper across the top and make it in green and pinky batiks. Ah, something to look forward to!

The weather report for all those lucky people who are still knitting and who live up the coast where it's cool: Five degrees cooler today, so only a 100 degrees inland, where we live.

All my laundry was done last night, and it's been hung to dry, all over the laundry room. I'm grinding away on gears that have only had 4 hours sleep, but what the heck. There could be a little soy dream in my future, Cherry Chocolate variety.

I added another Vegan site to the New Links area. Beautiful stuff! Art Food! Enjoy! The Wall Mart Guy has a very funny new post, too. Brain Food!
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  1. Your plan for your totes look wonderful. Your lunar pics were breathtaking!..and I love your knitting hamster!

  2. I like the Vogue bag pattern, very smart looking!

  3. PJ, thanks for your comment. The lunar photos are DH's work and I will pass along your comment. Isn't that hampter cute. He's been flying around the web for a couple of years. He's just too cute to hide.

    Trish, it's a beauty, that vogue bag. I can't figure out where the likes of me would carry it but that never stops people from making gold bags, does it. Fake fur coat, gold bag, jeans and a T. ;-)


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..