"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

New yarn Little Bitty Needles and *warning* a Political Assassination RANT

This is it, I've had to formally shelf my Hedgerows aspirations for lack of the right sort of yarn. So, I did find this at a LYS, and the little needles, Not all that much shorter than the Clovers, but still shorter. I'm still not convinced I need them but what the heck. Another pair of sock needles isn't exactly a BAD thing. *snickers*

DH loved the colors of this yarn, so I'll make him a new pair with it. He is wearing all the other pairs and asked me when I was going to make him another one. Well, Darlin', here ya go!

I'm really very sad about Bhutto. I knew she lived on the edge of it, but *cover the children's eyes* DAMN! I will have to go into retreat to recover from this earth shattering murder. She really was a hope for the future of Pakistan. I wonder just how much more the human race can take!
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  1. Oh, Lella,

    I'm with you in the anger and mourning over Bhutto. She was such an inspiration--not only for democratic society, but also for an Islam that allows women full membership in that society.

    I am doubly saddened by her death because I know that many of the hard-liners who will benefit from it (taliban, war lords, etc.) have the power they do because they were underwritten by the US for so many years. We are reaping the horrible results of our short-sighted "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" policy.

  2. All I've been thinking about is how everybody is going to use this, when she was a real person, bright and beautiful.

  3. Sarah-Hope, I wonder how Washington is scrambling to burn,erase, or shred documents these past few days that would implicate... We are up to our eyeballs in Pakistani deaths-- Egyptian, Afghani, the list goes on. Our overt and covert support of horrific dictators all over the world is legendary.

    I really have to say that Islam was never meant to be like this! But, the fundamentalists are being used, just like they have been used in other places and other times.

    Sallyjo, Me too. I wonder all of these things.

  4. And, thank you both for your comments. I appreciate them. I wish you Peace.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..