"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hempathy Deep Purple Fingerless Gloves

Oh my Eyes! This stuff is almost darker than black. It's a true purple and deeper than any purple in nature. See it HERE . I am loving this color. There actually might be a black lily that is close in color. Must go try to find it.

So, I'll take a hint from Pogonip (Thanks Matey!) and go find any glove pattern in worsted weight. I can do the changes required in yarn subs on most things but finger knitting is hard enough without THAT bit of hair pulling fun.
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  1. Oh, my what GORGEOUS yarn! I agree!

  2. Gheez, you take the best pics!

    I use a magnified (5X) lamp that really saves me when it comes to tiny lace, small needles and fine yarns. I don't like Ott lamps myself...they are great for showing the true colors of your yarns but, not so great for magnifying the work itself.

    Of course, they might have improved that aspect a lot since the last time I tried one.

    If you're interested in the kind I use...just google magnified lamps and you can find a zillion of them in a wide price range.

    *mine is a clamp-on...which I would not recommend unless you need it for a tight space where a rolling stand or a flat surface is unavailable for a base lamp style.

    If I had the chance to do it over, I'd buy a lamp with it's own stand and rolling casters....much more useful, I think.

  3. Howdy right back at ya and happy happy new year to you too. What a purple. you cold almost fall into that color.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hiya PJ. :o) Thanks for the visit. I hope that your New Year is going along very well. And yes, Hempathy is amazing yarn. I love the stuff and will use it much more. The colors are so delicious, too.

    Anonymous, Thanks so much for the idea about a rolling lamp. I can use an Opti-visor for the magnification when needed but enough light is a very big issue! Can't get enough of it lately. I'll go google up some choices. Thanks for your comment on the photos. The Tide Pools and Koi Ponds were my DDs snaps with her little Sony. What a jewel of a POS camera.

    Bess, I love your blog, and your earlier one as well, so much. Thanks for visiting and your good wishes. :-)

  6. Ooops, sorry Zippi...Annonymous is me..Trish. *blush*

    I thought I had signed the post before publishing.

    (slinking away now)


  7. gorgeous!!! I see the stress pills are working :-)

  8. Hi, Peacenik Artsy Fartsy Person!
    Thanks for visiting my blog and encouraging me to re-emerge from where it is that I was. I'm back and having fun putsying around my blog again.
    Say, I checked out the Comfort Doll Project site you linked to. Have you contributed? It sounds like a very worthwhile investment of time and talent. I haven't made a goddess doll in ages.
    Until next time, Happy New Year, my friend!

  9. Trish you really fooled me! Lol. Well, anon or under your own moniker, thanks for reading!

    KreativeMix, indeed, "stress pills" of beauty are the best. Music, another wonderful antidote for modern life, is now in my life at the computer and late nights when I can't sleep. I can now listen in the dark to my little BD prezzy Nano (ipod) called leggy. She has none you see...

    Laurie, Happy New Year! I'm glad you are back blogging. Your blog is so much fun to read. Ah the Comfort Dolls. I got introduced to them at Rissa's blog. Her friend and cohort started the project. I think it will be wonderful to make dolls for this great cause. I haven't made one yet but have sorted the material and have several planned. The will be a little taller and thinner than the one on the button. Painted faces. Come join up. Goddess Dolls. I like that!

  10. Great Color!

    Happy New year, Lella. May it be filled with fun and adventure.

  11. fabulous color! is that hemp yarn? even better. wish i could knit as i adore all things knitted! a dear friend tried to teach me, and i got half way through a baby blanket until i skipped a day and forgot how! the "baby" is now 5 years old, so now my plan is to turn it into a superhero cape... that's my knitting confession!

    did you have a chance to make the chocolate cookies for the twins yet?

  12. Sarah-Hope, Hi there. And thanks for the New Year's Wishes. :-). That purple a gorgeous color but hard to get right in a photo. I had to fiddle to get it right. Also I hope that huge storm didn't cause too much trouble for you. The DD1&2 had power out for two days, but their little sisters only one day, so DD2's snake went a-visiting to stay warm enough.

    Hi Vicki, yes that is a Hemp blend, and gets really soft when it's washed. Doesn't shrink much either. Lol about your baby blanket but you should get out the needles because there are so many great online tutorials now. They'd have you back up in no time. The cape sounds like a cute idea. Kids love playing superhero. And no, I haven't made any cookies yet for anyone. Alas, I've been donating or tossing out stuff and that's taking all my time! My stuff, mother's stuff, kid's stuff... sheesh

  13. My mother's recipe file is very special to me. I can see her so clearly through it. It's not that she spent a lot of time pouring over recipes or anything. There's just something about it that makes me feel like I can see her whole life separate from being the mom. Very different.

  14. Hi Sallyjo, and I know what you mean. I see mother's handwriting in her books and recipe files. It's really amazing to me how much her handwriting and my own are alike. She was right handed and I'm not. And some recipes spanned three generations. Lovely keepsakes! Thanks very much for your comments here and sharing your feelings about your mother's life, too.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..