"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Pat Bagley's Cartoon

A friend just sent this cartoon, and since I'm still smarting over the choice, not that I'd vote for that old buzzard anyway, but really, a right wing evangelical when there were so many other better choices among Republican women? He's calling this gal his "sole mate"? I think he's really lost his mind.

See all of Pat Bagley's cartoons on his new page HERE


  1. No you have not lost your mind. The RNC and the Buzzaed have. Unbelievable! Have we woken up in a Kafka novel? Or Terry Pritchard?


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Unclear antecedents so I trashed the comment.

    Here it is corrected.

    I don't know, Meribeth but Amy Goodman has just been detained along with at least one other of her crew outside the RNC.

    Those in power are out of their minds. Maybe they will really force things enough to declare martial law and start a civil war. This is how it starts. Insane creeps! Personally, I was afraid of Martial Law being declared when Bush first buggered the Constitution. We'll see if the Police and others are wise enough to realize how they are being used.

  4. I actually had hope this time around since there were no "free speech areas" set up, How wrong I was! No where is there a free speech area. The Goons are still at it.

  5. Right, Anomymous. "Free Speech Areas" indeed. That was the foot in the door. Portland was an escalation. Denver, etc.

    The saddest part is that the FBI is training police everywhere. If there were not controversy all over the country about how the government is behaving and what it is doing, both here and abroad, this in itself would not appear so dangerous. But that it's happening now, when we have in all likelihood the WORST civil rights abusers in office, it takes on a very sinister aspect, wouldn't you say? I agree, they are systematically abridging one of our most sacred and guaranteed Constitutional Rights, and not enough of those who should care seem to be willing to go after them.

    They have chosen Gustav as a cover this time. But what will be their cover next time? I'm ashamed of the police. For them to put bags of cash from an abusive government over the rights of theirs and future generations of Americans is complete blind stupidity. They should be ashamed that they've been so taken in.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..