"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Palin's Past and why she is so exciting to the Religious Right

I just found an accusation against Palin that I can't live with. As a mayor of a small town, she started right away investigating on how to ban books in the public library, fired a librarian who resisted her orders, and got a fight going over this issue.

I'm quoting part of a recent post from this site, Washington Weekly

"A CULTURE WARRIOR ON THE TICKET.... For years, mayoral races in Wasilla, Alaska, were nonpartisan and centered around local issues. Then, in 1996, Sarah Palin ran, and voters in the small town were introduced to hard-right wedge politics.

"Sarah comes in with all this ideological stuff, and I was like, 'Whoa,' " said Mr. Stein, who lost the election. "But that got her elected: abortion, gun rights, term limits and the religious born-again thing. I'm not a churchgoing guy, and that was another issue: 'We will have our first Christian mayor.' "

"I thought: 'Holy cow, what's happening here? Does that mean she thinks I'm Jewish or Islamic?' " recalled Mr. Stein, who was raised Lutheran, and later went to work as the administrator for the city of Sitka in southeast Alaska. "The point was that she was a born-again Christian."

The result was a mayor who didn't exactly "bring people together." The New York Times added that Palin's first few months were "so jarring -- and so alienating -- that an effort was made to force a recall." The idea was eventually dropped.

What was it that locals found jarring? Palin reportedly asked the library, for example, about the process for banning books. One local resident said Palin found some texts "morally or socially objectionable." The librarian, who resisted mayoral censorship, was fired shortly after Palin took office, though Palin reversed course after a local outcry, and later said the discussions about banning books were "rhetorical." (No, I don't know what that means, either.)"

What this says to me is that the Moral Majority, if she is in office, will now have access to the presidency. I find this an outrage in our form of Democracy. This is very bad for America.

I'm sorry about knitting. I am working on the Gretchen Shawl and the Drops Aran Sweater between courses in political blogging. lol


  1. Well, I wasn't going to vote for her anyway. Actually, I'm not going to vote for her running-mate, old Straight-Shooter McCain, shoots from the hip, shoot first-ask questions later McCain. You know the one. With the hair-trigger short temper.

    Of course with him being even older than I am - and that's OLD!!! Plus being a 4-time cancer survivor, she'd really be only a heartbeat away from the Oval Office. Not like a young, healthy president, but there are no guarantees, are there?

    But I think I would sleep better with Obama-Biden than I would with McCain-Palin, so that's how I'm going to vote.

  2. Aha! Now I know that you wear a hairnet to bed, like me! Just joking!

    And no, there are no guarantees, as you say. But, you know, Presidents have not lived their whole term before this time, and I'm sure that has the religious right salivating. Or something else equally nasty... just sayin....

    I hate that she wants to go through the library stacks. Is the Library of Congress even safe? Maybe she will quietly slip in and make little piles of books on carts and wheel them to the boiler rooms. Never can tell with people who want to censor based on their "beliefs".

  3. That allegation wasn't true and something someone made up on the Daily KOS. The local librains spoke up and said that they had never heard from her. I cannot believe you all would participate in the sexist campaigns the media is lauching against an accomplished female Governor. Since when is a pregnant 17 yo girl breaking news?

  4. I'm not participating in a sexist attack, I don't care if she is male or female, if you go after civil rights of others in a Democracy you are taken to task, which is what I have done.

    No one from the Daily KOS made up the story, as it comes from the New York Times. and here's that link:


    I have never said anything about Mrs. Palin's child, here or anywhere else except to defend the rights of children of candidates to be left alone. I still believe that children are OFF LIMITS for everyone, paid journalists, bloggers or neighborhood gossiping. They are off limits forever in my book. A non issue.

  5. This ticket is dangerous, period.
    I pray that our Founding Fathers spirits will come and scare some sense into us.

    I'm feeling verrrry hincky


  6. Aye, Meribeth. All this is enough to cause a serious case of nervous prostration. I have to stop worrying, too. Trust that Americans can sort out what is necessary to save our Constitution, and to do the right thing. I think that moderate Republicans have a lot more sense than the leaders of their party atm.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..